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Development of an ID-tag with Wi-Fi and ultrasound for accurate indoor positioning E!6234

Awarded: NOK 2.4 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2011 - 2012

Funding received from:


Partner countries:

The goal of the project is to develop the most cost efficient RTLS ID-tag for high accuracy indoor positioning. In fact on a global scale only Sonitor Technologies patented USID ultrasound technology can offer a cost effective solution for positioning at bay level. At the other scale of resolution AeroScout's Wi-Fi based technology offers the most cost effective means of tracking location departmental level position data using already installed Wi-Fi infrastructure. By combining the two technologies in a single integrated solution, an nearly ideal solution is obtained that will allow for wide-scale and cost effective adaptation of RTLS technology in healthcare. All other current technologies including RFID can only offer cost effective positioning on room level (i.e. at best determine in which room a patient is located). The ability to track the location of assets, patients and staff at the level of the bay or bed is crucial for RTLS technology to succeed in the healthcare market. This is because the most valuable interactions in a healthcare setting happen at this resolution level. When reliable and accurate, such location data can help healthcare and care organizations to improve care, reduce cost and improve efficiency. Some examples of applications in a hospital setting are given below. The ID-tags we aim to develop in this project can contribute to tracking exactly which persons have been exposed to contagious sources in hospitals. That can save lives by isolating and treating potentially infected p atients and personnel while the disease is still in containable phase. Our accurate and reliable positioning system can determine how close and for how long the contact have been between people. That information can be used to calculate the risk of diseas e transmission more precisely than all other position systems on the market can today.

Funding scheme: