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ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Demonstrasjon og Verifikasjon av Intelligente Distribusjonsnett

Awarded: NOK 14.2 mill.

The main objective of the project has been to provide new and improved knowledge base for desicion makers that should invest, use and develop Smart grid technologies. The project has had large focus on demonstration and verification, especially related to Demo Steinkjer (NTE) and Smart Energy Hvaler (FEAS). The project had six work packages (WPs), with the following activities: WP1 - Smart grids reference architecture and use case WP1 focused on superior framework for description of smart grid functionality, such as use cases. The project participated in international standardization work, hosted by IEC, in working group IEC TC8/WG5 Smart Grid Methodology and Tools. A new use case template will be published in the IEC-standard "IEC 62559-2 Ed.1: Use case methodology - Part 2: Definition of use case template, actor list and requirement list". A Norwegian version of this template has been made. The use case methodology has been used by several WPs in DeVID and some Distribution System Operators (DSOs) are using the methodology in their smart grid strategies. WP2 and WP3 - Smarter operation, planning, maintenance and renewable of the grid WP 2 and 3 focused on testing and evaluation of use cases related to operation, planning, maintenance and renewal and cost/benefit-evaluations of use cases. Use cases are developed for operation, planning, maintenance and renewable of the grid. A common theme in the use cases are import and export of data between different systems. Important questions related to the use case testing were: Which systems should be involved in which tasks and how should the data be transferred in a simple (automatic) and secure way? Tests of uses cases were performed on data and with infrastructure on Demo Steinkjer and Smart Energy Hvaler. The work included laboratory tests, analyses of smart meter data, analyses of data from sub stations and testing of alarms. The use cases and the tests of these have given input to the DSO and the vendors regarding functionalities that might be relevant and requirements that should be fulfilled to achieve the functions. WP4 - Cyber security and right to privacy WP4 has developed a guide for how risk analyses related to smart meters should be performed when evaluating cyber security and right to privacy. The guide is closely related to NVEs' general guide for risk analyses. An important recommendation is that risk analyses should start with a mapping of information values. Several check lists and example figures to be used in the process are presented. Risk analyses have been performed at two different DSOs. Risk analyses performed at three other DSOs are also evaluated, to see the effect of the guide. WP4 also worked with emergency exercises and secure connection to SCADA. In cooperation with an ongoing PhD-project at institute for telematics at NTNU, todays practices for handling IT-security events among DSOs have been mapped. P5 - Regional demand response New smart meters give hourly values of the electricity consumption and typical demand for different customer groups can be established, to map the latent demand response among different customer groups. This also gives more knowledge of the consumption pattern, that has been useful in the dialog with the customers, when recruiting and for product development. A wide contact with the customers has been established trough different communication measures and the interest from the customers has been large. The response on different surveys and arranged meetings has been large. This has given good knowledge of the background related to customers behavior and their future wishes and plans. Customers have been recruited into different pilots, mainly for residential customers and cottages. In the period January - June in 2014, a new power network tariff were tested, where more than 50 residential customers located in Steinkjer and at Hvaler were equipped with technical solutions making it possible for the customers to view their consumption in real-time. Demand response program where the owner of the cottages participated was also performed, where the objective was to cut the electricity to electrical water heaters and heating appliances to evaluate the power reduction in periods wit peak load in the distribution grid. This should be performed without causing any frost damages, reduced comfort or other negative consequences. WP6 - Empiric and use case database In WP6 a software platform demonstrating different sides of the use cases has been developed. The platform consisted of a "Use case browser" where the use cases are stored and will be shared within the project. WP6 has evaluated and specified new needs and future requirements for meter value system solutions, how important trends such as smart meters, central data hub and supplier centric model will affect the system solutions in the future and which new technology trends that can contribute in solving these requirements.

Det elektriske energisystemet er en samfunnskritisk infrastruktur, som vil gjennomgå store endringer i årene framover gjennom økt bruk av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi (IKT), samt nye sensorer og styresystemer på alle nivå i kraftsystemet og ho s kundene (populært benevnt som Smartgrids-teknologier). Investeringene for å etablere et Smartgrid er store; selve innføringen av AMS innen 2017 er estimert til 10-15 milliarder kr . Men det er fortsatt betydelig usikkerhet mht hvilke teknologier som bø r brukes og hvordan samspillet mellom dem fungerer i en helhetlig løsning. Prosjektets hovedidé er derfor å danne grunnlag for verdiskapende fornyelse ved bruk av Smartgrid-teknologier, gjennom å: - Utvikle og demonstrere metoder for beslutningsstøtte in nen nettforvaltning og informasjonssikkerhet - Utvikle og teste teknologi og systemer for styring og overvåking av nettet - Utvikle og teste teknologi, systemer og insentiver for økt forbrukerfleksibilitet Prosjektet baseres på å utvikle og demonstrere re sultatene i tett samarbeid med to piloter som er under etablering; Demo Steinkjer og Smart Energi Hvaler, som samlet omfatter ca 11.000 nettkunder. Gjennom storskala uttesting vil prosjektet være en læringsarena for energi-selskaper og leverandørindustrie n, og sikre at robuste og effektive løsninger tas i bruk. DeVID-prosjektet er etablert gjennom det norske Smartgrids-senteret , og er ett av flere prosjekt som senteret lanserer under fellesbetegnelsen 'Demo Norge'.

Publications from Cristin

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Funding scheme:

ENERGIX-Stort program energi