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ISPSAM-ISP - Samfunnsvitenskap

Institusjonell endring i demokratiske samfunn

Awarded: NOK 2.8 mill.

Social change is a central topic in the social sciences. But when societies are changing, most of all, institutions are in change. Even if institutions are sources of social stability, they are simultaneously transformed; yet more slowly than other parts of society. Since the end of the 20th century, new and dynamic conceptions of social institutions have emerged, highlighting how institutions shape frameworks for social action, as arenas for power, conflict, and compromise. Kathleen Thelen has pointed out how institutions change gradually, by a large number of actions and choices. In contrast, Paul Pierson shows how changes may occur despite stability, due to sudden ruptures. Vivien Schmidt underscores the importance of ideology and symbols as a driving force in institutional change. In this literature, attention to the Nordic societies has been relatively modest. Thus, the Nordic Model offers fresh material to existing theory of social and institutional change. What is our contribution? 37 researchers have come together to produce three books on institutional change in the Nordic Model. We have applied institutional perspectives on changes in Norwegian working life over a long period. One set of themes is the interplay of the Basic Agreement, property rights, and workplace democracy. Other topics are vocational training, temporary layoffs, and short-term employment. New norms of wage distribution and gender quotas in economic life have emerged. Increasing amounts of grey and black work raise new challenges to workplace inspection. Welfare state reforms are shaped by bargaining between the labor market parties. Reform in home care arrangements, as well as varieties in the Nordic countries of cash benefits for childcare, complete the picture in the first book, "Cooperation and Conflict the Nordic Way. Work, Welfare and Institutional Change in Scandinavia", an Open Access publication. The second book, "Institutional Change in the Public Sphere. Views on the Nordic Model", also Open Access, focuses on changes in the public sphere in the 21st century. Democratic processes are modified by social media, partly with positive results; also in interaction with political campaigns. In parallel, the communication industry has played a greater role. But the public sphere also includes the arts, sciences, religion, and voluntary organizations. The arts must rest autonomous, even when sponsored by public money. Religion has acquired a new position, largely due to the increased presence of Islam. Interplay between religion and the media goes both ways: the media influence interpretations of religion, whereas religious statements and threats change the routines of the media, and what they cover. Stable political institutions do not guarantee a democracy of high quality. The interplay of politics and civil society is the topic of the third book, "Democratic State and Democratic Society", still in press. Many social institutions outside politics function as links between state and society. This is the case for citizens? knowledge about politics, to a large degree resulting from the educational system and the degree of social equality. Public fact-finding committees serve as a channel between politics and academic expertise. Citizenship has become a means to integrate immigrants into the Norwegian community. Norms of gender quotas are transferred from politics to the economy. Whereas the economic elite, on their part, show strong confidence in state authorities. Ideals from political democracy cannot be transferred directly to social institutions such as working life, welfare state or the media. Firms cannot function without employers and managers. The welfare state professions are better informed than their clients. A well-functioning public sphere needs professional journalists and editors. When democratic ideas and impulses encounter such unavoidable restrictions, durable norms are necessary in order to avoid abuse of power and social exclusion. Space for individual liberty and organized counter wailing power is required. But freedom has a double face. Freedom from external force and freedom to create, by knowledge, resources, and cooperation. Too easily, attention is limited to freedom from, while a well-functioning democracy also rests on freedom to. For all citizens.

Hvordan konstitueres moderne samfunn? Sosiologisk teori er preget av et «ovenfra og ned»-perspektiv, eller av enkeltstående karakteristikker. Dette prosjektet vil gå en annen vei, nedenfra og opp, for å beskrive hvordan store samfunnsdannelser kan henge s ammen. Tre avgrensninger trekkes opp: Fokus på (i) mekanismer og mønstre for institusjonell endring, (ii) et begrenset sett av institusjoner, (iii) demokratiet som konstitutivt i prosesser i moderne samfunn. Empirisk legges hovedvekten på samfunn av skandinavisk type. At skandinaviske samfunn har en stat som er sterk og liberal på én gang, gjør samfunnslivet forskjellig fra grunntrekkene i internasjonal litteratur. Dette krever omfattende komparative perspektiver. Prosjektet faller i tre hoveddeler: Del A avklarer normativ teori om demokrati, samt teori om institusjonell endring. Demokratiteorien er inspirert av John Rawls? normative teori, som også tar opp spesifiserte institusjoner som offentlighet, arbeidsliv og velferdsstat. Forståelsen av institusjonell endring utvikles i lys av teorier om variasjoner i kapitalisme og i velferdsstatsregimer. Del B går inn på endringer i offentligheten. En linje peker mot generelle problemer knyttet til ytringsfrihet og politisk kommunikasjon, rasjonalitetsgrunnlag og normer for politisk debatt. En annen retter seg mot virkningene av nye sosiale medier, både på mobilisering til deltakelse i en demokratisk offentlighet og på informasjonsstrømmer i samfunnet. Del C tar opp institusjonelle endringer i arbeidsliv og velferdsstat, og hva som kjennetegner Skandinavia, sammenliknet med Kontinental-Europa og den anglo-amerikanske verden. Typologier som skiller ut disse formene er velkjente, men er overveiende statiske. Prosjektet vil forstå dynamikken bedre, og dermed hva som skaper stabilitet og endring i den nordiske kombinasjonen av arbeidsliv og velferdsstat. Prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom tre miljøer og bygger på omfattende empirisk forskning alle tre.

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ISPSAM-ISP - Samfunnsvitenskap

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