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Biogeographical structure of the subarctic and arctic areas of the North Atlantic Ocean Mobile researcher: Reygondeau Gabriel, France

Awarded: NOK 40,500

The objective of this proposal is to investigate the trophic web composition and dynamic of four biogeochemical provinces located in the North East Atlantic ocean. These specifics provinces, originally defined in 1995 using only environmental characterist ics, are selected here as they represent the most sampled areas of the global ocean. This large amount of both biotic and abiotic observations allows identifying the key species of each province and at several trophic levels, and hence their species inter action in relation with climate and anthropogenic forcing. Specifically, the program will involve training on: 1. Implement an biotic (from phytoplankton to top predators) and abiotic comprehensive database for each considered provinces 2. Adapt a statis tical procedure called 'phytosociology' (Fromentin et al., 1993) 3. Identify the key species of each trophic web and explore the future potential ecological changes in each provinces according to climatic scenarios 4. Validate the tri dimensional and dyna mical biogeography implemented during the candidate PhD. This study will for the first time investigate the robustness of biogeochemical partitioning of the ocean. Results provided by this study will: (i) examine the hypothesis regarding bottom up forcing of marine ecosystems, (ii) investigate on the vertical and horizontal biotic boundaries of biogeochemical provinces, (iii) provide relations between species richness, abundance in relation to physical forcing at a macro scale and (iv) enable the investig ation of potential near future regime shift by quantifying and projecting the effect of climate long term variation on each trophic level at an ecosystem level. This study will produce a multi-dimensional and validated biogeography at different scale (bio me, province and ecoregion) that will be of interest as a reference for marine ecosystem management, ecological studies or calibration of numerical models.

Funding scheme:
