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POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

Can an increase in body temperature be used as a measure of stress in Kittiwakes (Rissa Tridactyla)?, RiS ID: 2919

Awarded: NOK 76,999

The aim of the study is to investigate if there is a correlation between the short-term handling-induced stress response, that is registered by standard CORT-measurements, and the simultaneously increase in body temperature in black-legged kittiwakes. Thi s has not yet been studied in any captive or free-ranging bird species. If a relationship between the stress-induced body temperature increase and the increase in the plasma level of CORT is demonstrated, it could have significant implications in experime nts on stress in the future, since the body temperature increase is much easier to measure and invoke much less handling of the experimental bird. An additional aim for this present study will be to investigate if the measured temperature increases are re peatable between individuals.

Funding scheme:

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES