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DIV-INT-Annet internasjonalt samarbeid

International Conference: Transformation in a Changing Climate, 19-21 June, 2013, University of Oslo

Awarded: NOK 0.35 mill.

This conference is envisioned as an agenda-setting gathering of the research community, and the first in a series on the theme of transformation. We anticipate a rapid growth in scholarship and practical concerns related to transformation in the coming ye ars. In this context, we aim to draw together the best thinkers on the topic, to gather the seeds of what we know at this time, and build a joint knowledge, from which research programs, projects and assessments can build upon over time. It will serve as foundation and benchmark against which our growing knowledge on this topic can be measured. The conference will hold a wide range of activities and events. The form of the conference includes a combination of both conventional and unconventional confere nce features, where each part of the program is carefully tailored to conference objectives, particularly the need for transdisciplinary dialogue. The conference is anticipated to contribute to shifting the way climate change viewed and addressed, both i n science and policy, providing new knowledge, new frameworks, new conversations and networks. The conference will also contribute towards highlighting and defining research agendas both internationally and nationally. It will also contribute to a better understanding of how transformation is understood and addressed in national and international research initiatives.

Funding scheme:

DIV-INT-Annet internasjonalt samarbeid