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The Fate of Latin American Truth Commission Recommendations: Bridging Success and Impact

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Contributing to the debates on the roles of truth commissions after the end of dictatorship and/or civil war, the project will place focus to an understudied topic in the tranistional justice (TJ) field: The recommendations that truth commissions make whe n they publish their reports. This project proposes a workshop to focus on three main issues: (1) the ways in which recommendations are formulated in TC reports; (2) how and in which ways these recommendations are actually implemented; and (3) what role (if any) do TC recommendations play in the political and human rights arenas of those societies in which they have been implemented. The debates and intellectual outcomes of this workshop will in turn form the point of departure for formulating a larger r esearch project proposal to study the recommendations of Latin American TCs. The project builds and expands on research undertaken by the core research team on transitional justice processes in Latin America and is intended to further strenthen competenc e in this field.

Funding scheme:


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