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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

High Performance Work Systems i norske prosjektbaserte virksomheter med høy andel innleid arbeidskraft

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Awarded: NOK 9.6 mill.

Being an industrial worker in Norway involves more than mastery of technical crafts. Employees must also be able to plan their work, take responsibility for progress, understand value creation, see their role in the supply chain, and be able to lead themselves and coordinate with others. Such proactive industrial workers, showing initiative and responsibility, can increase the company's innovation capacity and lower the costs of control. Companies that operate in this way have been labelled High Performance Work Systems (HPWS). HPWS can be seen as a combination of HR-practices, work structure and processes, characterized by employee involvement, self-management, high competence and ability to take responsibility. The goal of is to develop work models for project-based companies with periods of volatile labour. The project has a distinctive action orientation; All suggestions and ideas for improvement should be tested in cooperation with professionals, representatives, officials and managers in the companies. Grande Entreprenør has benn the project owner, while Kværner Verdal, Vitec and SINTEF have been partners in the project. In addition, the Federation of Norwegian Construction Industries (BNL) have participated. The construction industries are characterized by the fact that deliveries consist mainly of unique projects in which people with a broad set of skills from different companies must cooperate for the best possible results. However, the requirements for efficiency and cost reduction have increased, while the complexity of organization, coordination and use of technology has grown. This poses new requirements for how these companies think about communication, leadership, learning, and employee development. The challenge is to a large extent that the businesses are defined by the ongoing projects, and that the projects are rarely the same in terms of content or participants. Often, good ideas and improvements achieved in one project will not be passed on to the next, with the result that for each project, new solutions will be found on known problems rather than building on previous experiences. At Kværner, the work in several of the work packages in the project has supported the development of the Kværner Verdal Production System (KVPS). A prototype for the work was delivered in June 2015, with a number of measures for standardization, efficiency and new work processes. Later, the work has been further revised and developed. At Grande, the work of the project is integrated into the further development of "Grande Standard" and in the process of developing a Grande Production System. In 2016, the project activity was centred around the design and development of improvement groups in the company. The work package for the role of the skilled worker has focused on identifying competence requirements for future professional workers. These are identified and verified in a published SINTEF report. In addition, the project has contributed to a report by the The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, with the Vocational Committee for construction, electrical and industry education (01.03.2016). In the work package "Living Lab Ørin", a formal project collaboration between SINTEF, Proneo and Verdal Industrial Park has been signed in order to strengthen collaboration between R&D and the industry. In addition, a training programme has been deployed at Kværner Verdal, consisting of 3 modules. Further, the project have contributed with several lectures within the programme Kompetansekraft 2.0 at Verdal. An important delivery from the project has also been to contribute to a common and sustainable arena that can stand on its own after HPWS is ready for summer 2017; The yearly seminar "Industriens Dag" will now being organized in late November for the fourth time, where HPWS has been a very important contributor and start helper. The spring of 2017 has been focused on finalizing ongoing activities as the work on improvement groups initiated at Kværner and Grande. Focus on improvement work was also central to the HPWS Seminar for exchange of experience and practice. Kværner and Grande informed about the AS-IS current state of the company - learning from completed activities, best practice, and key learnings so far. Furthermore, the companies also reflected on their TO-BE future desired condition - and further implementation of the improvement work in their companies. A HPWS Handbook has been developed and will serve as a guidebook for project based organisations. The manual seeks to convey research-based knowledge through practical advice and useful tips on how to work with the topics in the HPWS project: productive communication, responsibility & autonomy, participative leadership, the future of the skilled worker, and industrialized operations. For more information about the project, see:

Norske bedrifter innenfor verftsindustri og bygg og anlegg er i dag avhengig av innleie, for en stor del av utenlandsk arbeidskraft, og dette produserer en utfordring. På den ene siden er det slik at mange bedrifter driver virksomheten i tråd med den nors ke samarbeidsmodellen, basert på samarbeid, dialog, selvstyring og lite detaljstyring ovenfra. På den andre siden er det slik at en god del av de innleide er vant til et annet arbeidsregime, og dette skaper utfordringer i forhold til styring og effektiv d rift. Et resultat av dette er at mange norske bedrifter har pådratt seg økte styrings- og kontrollkostnader, men med like høye arbeidskostnader som tidligere. Det er derfor behov for å utvikle en organiserings- og styringsmodell som evner å videreføre den norske samarbeidsmodellen og produsere effektivitet også når andelen innleie blir høy. Prosjektet skal gjøre dette gjennom tilpasning, utvikling og spesifisering av såkalte "High-Performance Work Systems" (HPWS) for norske forhold, for virksomheter baser t på unike prosjekter (en-stykks produksjon) og høy grad av flyktig arbeidskraft. Dette skal gjøres ved å: 1. utvikle en tydelig modell for "High-Performance Work Systems" på norsk ( 2. tilpasse modellen til å drive effektive operasjoner innen p rosjektbasert virksomhet med høyt innleie. 3. etablere en "living-lab" som også inkluderer en virtuell læringsarena for "High-Performance Work Systems" på norsk. skal utvikles og testes i samarbeid med fagarbeidere og ledere innenfor bygg og anleg g og operatører, funksjonærer og ledere innenfor verftsindustri. Prosjektet tas frem i et samarbeid mellom Grande Entreprenør AS, Kværner Verdal AS, Vitec AS og SINTEF Teknologi og samfunn, med Grande Entreprenør AS som prosjektansvarlig. I tillegg inngå r Byggenæringens landsforening og SINTEF Byggforsk.

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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena