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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Smidige metoder for global utvikling

Alternative title: Agile methods for global software development

Awarded: NOK 16.3 mill.

Globalization is an irreversible trend in software development, which has brought significant changes with increasingly more software being developed by global teams. This trend has gained momentum as companies seek access to new markets and technology an d increased development capacity. For Norwegian software companies, succeeding in global development is essential to increase their market share. However, as development is more and more global, there is an increasing geographical, temporal, and cultural separation that creates additional challenges to the already complex task of managing frequent releases, high product quality and customer collaboration. Also studies show that global projects spend 250% more resources than co-located projects. During the last years, the Norwegian software industry has become more effective through Agile methods. This project will develop new research-based agile methods for global software development in order to increase competitiveness and market shares of the participating companies. The project has arranged several seminars for the participating companies and for companies in the research projects Agile 2.0, A-team, ScrumScale and Suss. The topics has been: Process improvement in large scale and distributed projects, agile leadership, continuous learning in distributed teams, how to make good distributed teams, innovation in distributed projects, and non functional requirements. The project has identified the baseline regarding distributed development for the three companies. Smiglo has identified research based guidelines for: organizing test activities in distributed projects, establishment of virtual teams, how to improve virtual teams, techniques for virtual teams (e.g. daily meetings, tools for virtual teams), coaching virtual teams, virtual teams and networking, organizing test, and large scale distributed agile. The guideline are presented in a book. The following publications have been published: Managing Knowledge in Global Software Development Projects (IT Professional Magazine 2014), Networking in a large-scale distributed agile project (ACM 2014), Continuous Software Testing in a Globally Distributed Project (IEEE 2015), Coaching a global agile virtual team (IEEE 2015), A general theory of software engineering: Balancing human, social and organizational capitals. (JSS 2015), Enabling knowledge sharing in agile virtual teams (IEEE 2016), Shared knowledge in virtual software teams A preliminary framework (IEEE 2016), Exploring Norms in Agile Software Teams (Springer 2016), Trends in Large-Scale Agile Development (ACM 2016), Communication between Developers and Testers in Distributed Continuous Agile Testing (IEEE 2016), Are Daily Stand-up Meetings Valuable? (Springer 2017), Software Teams and Their Knowledge Networks in Large-Scale Software Development (IST 2017) Are Daily Stand-up Meetings Valuable? A Survey of Developers in Software Teams (Springer 2017), Inter-Team Coordination Mechanisms in Large-Scale Agile (ACM 2017), Emerging Research Themes and updated Research Agenda for Large-Scale Agile Development: A Summary of the 5th International Workshop at XP2017 (ACM 2017), ), Daily Stand-Up Meetings: Start Breaking the Rules (IEEE SW 2018)

Utvikling av programvareprodukter skjer i økende grad i globale prosjekter. De viktigste grunnene er tilgang på nye markeder, økt kapasitet, og tilgang til ny teknologi. For DNV GL Software, Fara og Storebrand er global programvareutvikling kritisk for å lykkes i sine markeder i framtiden. Imidlertid er det store utfordringer i å gjennomføre globale programvareutviklingsprosjekter med økende krav til hyppige leveranser, produktkvalitet og kundenærhet. Studier viser at globale prosjekter i snitt bruker 25 0 % mer ressurser enn samlokaliserte prosjekter. Det er særlig tre barrierer som gjør samarbeid over avstander vanskelig: forskjell i tidssoner, forskjell i geografi, og sosiokulturelle forskjeller. De siste årene har norske bedrifter opplevd en stor prod uktivitetsgevinst med smidige metoder. Dette prosjektet vil lage nye metoder som muliggjør slike gevinster for norske bedrifter også innen global programvareutvikling.

Publications from Cristin

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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena