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Meaning and melancholy in the thought of Emmanuel Levinas

Awarded: NOK 30,037

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2014 - 2015

Funding received from:

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The original title of the dissertation that is planned for publishing is "Meaning and Crisis. Emmanuel Levinas and the difficult meaning of the Ethical." It has been reworked, particularly according to some of the objections that were raised in the dispu tation and the attached statement of the committee. This implies that the dissertation has been expanded with 20-30 pages and is now approximately 200 pages, given the fact that the original version at times appeared too condensed. Some of the arguments have been sharpened, and core motives (like shame and melancholy) have been expanded on. Some of the chapters are also structured differently in order to clarify the arguments. The preliminary new title is "Meaning and Melancholy in the thought of Emmanu el Levinas." The Publisher Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht plans to publish it in their series "Research in Contemporary Religion", and the application regards costs for proof reading, printing etc.

Funding scheme:


Thematic Areas and Topics

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