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ISPNATTEK-ISP - naturvit. og teknologi

Strengthening the Norwegian mathematics community

Alternative title: Styrke det norske matematikkmiljøet

Awarded: NOK 3.0 mill.

An international evalutation committee evaluated in 2012 the quality of research in mathematics and statistics at Norwegian universities, and strengths and weaknesses were identified. This project has focussed on strategic actions to counteract the weaknesses, and to facilitate collaboration and excellence in the mathematical sciences at a national level. Concrete actions to increase popularization of mathematics and to strengthen collaboration with industry are at the core of the proposal. The project has generated synergies within the Norwegian mathematical community, which will have a lasting positive effect beyond the project period. As examples of activities we have completed, we mention first the hiring of Jo Røislien in an adjunct position with special responsibility for popularizing and disseminate mathematics to a broader audience; he has completed a number of activities in Norway since the beginning of the project. We also mention the conference "Mathematics Meets Industry: what can you do with a PhD?" which we organized in September 2016. The participants were excellent key-note speakers with experience from various industries and the non-academic sector, PhD students from Trondheim, Oslo and Bergen, representatives from industry, and other scientific staff members from the universities. The conference was a great success, and we plan a similar conference in the future. Finally, we mention that we organized the first ESGI - European Study Group with Industry - i Norway in June 2018. This was a Danish-Norwegian collaboration, and the event was held in Ålesund. Several Norwegian companies contributed with good problems to analyze. A similar ESGI (study group) is planned for summer 2020, also in Ålesund.

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The primary goal of this project is to strengthen collaboration and excellence at a national level. Focus will be on activities which facilitate scientific excellence, increase the awareness about the importance of mathematics in a modenrn society, strengthen the collabortion with industry, and collaborate in training of PhD students. NTNU will be the coordinator of these activities. By planning joint national activities, the project will generate synergies within the Norwegian mathematical community, intended to have a lasting effect beyond the project period.

Funding scheme:

ISPNATTEK-ISP - naturvit. og teknologi

Funding Sources