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FRIMEDBIO-Fri med.,helse,biol

Overcoming insomnia. From genes to long-term impact on health and work. A large RCT of online cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia.

Alternative title: Insomni. Fra gener til langtidseffekt på helse og arbeid. En stor RCT av internetbasert kognitiv atferdsterapi for insomni.

Awarded: NOK 6.7 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2015 - 2021


Partner countries:

This first aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a cost-effective, more accessible alternative treatment approach for insomniacs. Traditional CBT-I has been adapted to an online intervention system, so individuals can access a personalized treatment when they want. This newly developed web-based computer technology has produced remarkable preliminary results, comparable to the results one can achieve when delivering CBT-I in a face-to-face format. The current project testet this approach for use on a population scale. . A total of 1721 participants were recruited into the project, and were then randomized to either cognitive-behavior therapy for insomnia (CBTi) or control group (simple sleep hygiene advice). The main article was published in The Lancet, Digital Health, in August 2020, and showed that those who received digital CBTi sleep fare better than those who were in the control group. The project has now been completed, but we will continue to publish articles based on collected data, and especially 2-year follow-up data are of special interest. Furthermore, the project group will link sleep data to various register sources (NAV, patient register and prescription database) and use these as outcome measures on selected relevant variables.

Målet med prosjektet var å undersøke effekten av et nettbasert selvhjelpsprogram mot insomni (kroniske søvnvansker). Hovedkonklusjonen var at de aller fleste som fullførte dette programmet hadde god nytte av det, og rapporterte betydelig bedre søvn og dagtidsfunksjon etter endt behandling. Et slikt behandlingstilbud vil således kunne være et nyttig supplement som et helsetilbud for personer som sliter med dårlig søvn, men som ikke får tilbud om annen virksom behandling der de bor. Et langsiktig mål med prosjektet var å jobbe for å gjøre denne behandlingsformen tilgjengelig som et offentlig helsetilbud for alle som trenger der. Mens det fortsatt er noen utfordringer knyttet til lisensiering av dette spesifikke nettprogrammet, jobber vi aktivt for å kunne tilby enten dette programmet, eller noe tilsvarende, som et helsetilbud, ikke bare som del av et forskningsprosjekt.

Insomnia is a growing public health concern, with 15% of the Norwegian adult population now meeting the diagnostic criteria for insomnia disorders. In addition to significant consequences for the individual, insomnia also has vast social and economic ramifications. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) has been found to have the best short- and long-term benefits for individuals with insomnia. But while it is the treatment of choice, the availability of CBT-I is limited by many factors, including lack of trained clinicians, poor geographical distribution of professionals, as well as the expenses of face-to-face treatment. This first aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of a cost-effective, more accessible alternative treatment approach for individuals with insomnia. Traditional CBT-I has been operationalized for an online intervention system, so individuals can access a personalized treatment any time, at their own convenience. This newly developed web-based computer technology has produced remarkable preliminary results, comparable to the results one can achieve when delivering CBT-I in a face-to-face format. The current project will test this approach for use on a population scale. 1500 participants will be randomized into CBT-I or a placebo control group. The large scale of this trial will allow detailed analyses of subgroups (insomniacs with comorbid conditions), which has not been possible in the previous small clinical trials. The upcoming HUNT4 in 2017-2018 will together with data from FD-Trygd provide unique long-term FU-data on both a range of health parameters and employment status. The second aim is to use the HUNT3 Biobank to conduct one of the largest and best phenotyping of insomnia in genetic studies of humans.

Publications from Cristin

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FRIMEDBIO-Fri med.,helse,biol