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Mineral leaching in seawater, applicability to sub sub-sea mine-tailings depostion

Alternative title: Mineralutlakning i sjøvann, applikasjon for deponering av gruveavganng

Awarded: NOK 2.1 mill.

Sub-sea deposition of mine tailings in fjords is practiced in Norway and Chile, while deep sea-tailings deposition is practiced in a handful of other countries. This is a controversial issue with respect to bottom flora fauna and with respect to seafood resources. Kjeøy Research & Education Center specializing in mineral leaching processes initiated a research project evaluating the potential elemental leaching of different tailings material in seawater. The project has investigated the leaching processes in seawater: a shoreline tailings deposit; leach testing of tailings to be deposited in Norwegian and potentially the Philippines fjords; and reaction rates of galena in seawater. These studies included short-term and long-term evaluation of mineral reaction rates and mineral precipitation and predictions using geochemical modeling tools. The primary goal has been to better understand the geochemical interaction of seawater and tailings material, and from this be bale to better predict the longterm leaching affect from such deposits in the sea.

Sub-sea deposition of mine tailings in fjords is practiced in Norway and Chile, while deep sea-tailings deposition is practiced in a handful of other countries. This is a controversial issue with respect to bottom flora fauna and with respect to seafood resources. KREC specializing in mineral leaching processes has initiated a research project evaluating the potential elemental leaching of different tailings material in seawater. The project is investigating the leaching processes in seawater of; a sh oreline tailings deposit; tailings deposited in Norwegian fjords; and from mines in Papua New Guinea and, Chile; and pure sulfide minerals. This includes short-term and long-term evaluation of mineral reaction rates and mineral precipitation. The prim ary goal is to better understand the geochemical interaction of seawater and tailings material. Sjøvannsdeponering av gruveavgang i fjorder praktiseres i Norge og Chile, mens noe få andre land praktiserer dyphavsdeponering av avgang. Dette er et kontr oversielt tema med hensyn til bunn-flora og -fauna og sjømatressurser. KREC som er spesialist innen mineral utlakingsprosesser, har initiert et forskningsprosjekt som vil undersøke potentielle metallutlakningsprosesser av forskjellig avgangsmaterial i s jøvann. Forskningsprosjektet vil undersøke avgangsmaterialets interaksjon med sjøvann: i strandsone setting; laktester av avgangsmateriale fra flere gruver i Norge, Chile og Papua New Guinea (hvis materiale kan skaffes); og reaksjonshastigheter for rene sulfidmineraler i sjøvann. Disse studiene inkluderer feltmålinger og korttids og langtids laboratorietesting med evaluering av mineraloppløsning og mineralfelling. Det primære målet med prosjektet er å bedre forstå den geokjemiske interaksjonen mellom sjøvann og avgangsmateriale.

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