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Support for sample translation of chapters on reading and dyslexia research

Awarded: NOK 48,000

The proposed book, entitled Can we read letters? Reflections on fundamental issues in Reading and dyslexia research, is intended to be published by Sense Publishers. This publisher is acknowledged by the Norwegian publication system (NSD). This book aims to present a comprehensive alternative mindset to international dyslexia researchers, formulated by Prof Finn Egil Tønnessen. The suggested book comprises of some already published articles, and a selection of brand new chapters. The book is structured i n three parts. The first part gives fundamental reflections on central issues in reading and dyslexia research. The second part aims at showing the implications of the analyses and suggestions in part 1, relative to reading instruction and practice. The t hird part formulates research paths for the future - their options and limitations ? based on the mindset formulated in the book. The book consists of 10 chapters: trhree chapters are based on articles published in acknowledged international journals, t hree are formerly published in norwegian, and four are brand new chapters In this project we apply for support for sample translation of four chapters from norwegian to english. All chapters are written, but the norwegian chapters needs to be translated , in order to be peer reviewed. In this field there are many publications in e.g. philosophy of education and in philosophy of psychology, but there are scarcely any dealing with fundamental and philosophical issues in reading or dyslexia research. The proposed book will be highly relevant to reading and dyslexia researchers internationally. We expect that the book will be ready to print medio March 2015.

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