The project "Flexibility in the future smart distribution grid" (FlexNet) will contribute to increased flexibility in the future smart distribution grid by demonstration and verification of technical and market based solutions for flexibility on different grid levels and for the benefit of different stakeholders (customers, distributions system operators, market actors/aggregator).
In the FlexNet-project flexibility is defined as a situation based and time-limited response on an incentive, for example demand response is defined as a response to variation in electricity prices. The project will promote increased flexibility on different grid levels and for different stakeholders:
1. Internally at an active customer, in interplay between consumption, generation and energy storage, contributing to reduced use of energy, reduced costs and new services.
2. In the distribution grid by locating energy storage in a substation to reduce peak load, improve the utilization of existing grid capacity, reduced coincidence load and postponement of grid investments.
3. In smarter operation of the distribution grid trough for example energy storage, remote switching and voltage control, resulting in reduced grid losses, improved security of supply and voltage quality.
In the beginning of the project several workshops were arranged, to discuss research challenges related to demand response and flexible operation of the grid. This is the basis for a state-of-the-art report describing framework conditions, actors, interfaces and smarter grid operation, and also the demonstration concepts for different types of flexibility (TR A7536).
The following three theme areas for demonstration activities are included in the project:
1. Flexibility prosumer (Main focus on prosumers at Hvaler and at NTE):
The orientation of the PV panel affects the production capacity of the system. Max energy production can be achieved from a south oriented panel, while an east oriented panel will have the peak production earlier in the day, and a west oriented panel will have the peak production later in the day. This can be used to optimized the installation of a PV panel at a customers to increase the self-consumption.
A prototype of a "sun map" for analysing the potential for PV generation for a neighbourhood and the grid consequences have been developed.
A battery in a neighbourhood with both households and prosumers has been demonstrated. Both local and remote optimization of charging and discharging related to load and production in the area can be performed.
It has been studied how the exchange of electricity to and from the distribution grid can be reduced through maximized production and self-consumption. The production from a PV panel can be increased by increasing the angle of elevation of the PV panel from 15 to 70 degrees. Energy fed into the grid can be reduced by smarter use of a local storage (electric boiler, 11,2 kW).
2. Flexibility prosumer and grid consequences (Main focus on prosumer at NTE):
A battery with an inverter was installed at a prosumer located in a weak distribution grid, and used to level out the imbalance between the phase voltages, and can therefore be used as an alternative solution on voltage problems.
Analysing meter data from 100 households for a period of 9 years show that the peak load increased more than the energy consumption, resp. 2,89% and 1,85% yearly, resulting in reduced utilization time of the distribution grid.
Simulation for a grid area with 60 prosumers showed that the peak load will be the main parameter for the capacity of the transformer, and not the peak production in the summer.
3. Flexible grid operation (Main focus on the distribution grid at BKK).
Functionalities such as remotely controlled switches, FLISR and batteries have been evaluated as a source for more flexible grid operation. These solutions increase the level of instrumentation in the distribution grid, and give the possibilities for remote control. Both batteries and FLISR can postponed planned grid investments.
RTUs (terminals) have been installed in substations, to evaluate how new data can contribute to more flexible grid operation. The load at these substations were charging stations for electric vehicles, electric ferry and shore to ship power. The meter data showed that for these cases there were little effect on the voltage quality.
Local vs. central localization of intelligence for FLISR were evaluated related to cyber security. Independent on selected solution, technical infrastructure need to be supplied and strengthened by organizational procedures and best practice to be able to handle cyber security events when they occur.
Prosjektet "Fleksibilitet i fremtidens smarte distribusjonsnett (Flexnett)" skal bidra til økt fleksibilitet i distribusjonsnettet gjennom å demonstrere og verifisere tekniske og markedsmessige løsninger for fleksibilitet på ulike nivå i nettet og til nytte for ulike aktører (kunder, nettselskap, markedsaktører, leverandører av utstyr og tjenester):
1. Internt hos aktive kunder, i samspillet mellom forbruk, produksjon og energilagring, for å bidra til redusert energiforbruk, reduserte kostnader og nye tjenester.
2. I distribusjonsnett ved at energilager plasseres i nettstasjon for å jevne ut effektflyt, gi bedre utnyttelse av eksisterende nettkapasitet, redusert sammenlagret effekt og utsatte nettinvesteringer.
3. I smartere drift av distribusjonsnettet gjennom f.eks. energilager, fjernstyrte omkoblinger og spenningsregulering, noe som vil gi reduserte nettap, bedret leveringssikkerhet og forbedret spenningskvalitet.
En forutsetning for å få økt fleksibiliteten er sikker sanntids overvåkning og styring fra kunde, nettstasjon til nettselskap/markedsaktører. Informasjon må være tilgjengelig til riktig tid og aktør på en sikker måte som ivaretar personvern. Sikker kobling mellom ulike systemer, som AMS, DMS og SCADA er en viktig forskningsutfordring i prosjektet, i tillegg til hvordan interoperabilitet skal sikres. Viktige aktiviteter i prosjektet vil være:
*Etablere oversikt over tilgjengelig fleksibilitet (forbruk, produksjon og lager)
*Demonstrere og verifisere forbrukerfleksibilitet
*Bidra til innebygd personvern i nye løsninger for forbrukerfleksibilitet
*Vurdere ulike batteriløsninger (batteribasert og termisk), både teknisk og økonomisk
*Vurdere data og funksjonalitet som støtter fleksibel nettdrift og sanntids overvåking SCADA - DMS - AMS)
*Analysere bransjebehov og fremskaffe nytt kunnskapsgrunnlag for sikre koblinger mellom SCADA, DMS og AMS.