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ISPNATTEK-ISP - naturvit. og teknologi


Alternative title: Forvaltning av geofaglig data og informasjon

Awarded: NOK 6.8 mill.

GeoAccessNO is a pilot project that has been analysisng and evaluating national capabilities of preserving the scientific legacy within geoscience. The project has looked at both physical and digital data as well as linkages of data and software through work flow management. The project has had a particular focus on tracebility between physical samples and digital representation of these. While working on these issues, the project has relied on communication with user communities through user interaction meetings,national strategies for e-infrastructure and relevant scientific activities in the context of ICSU, Research Data Alliance and EU. The pilot project has analysed the current status within geoscience and other disciplines nationally and internationally, requirements and possibilities. The project has also implemented a demonstrator for work flow management based on experience from bioinformatics and has prepared a proposal of implementation steps. Within the project, status on data management is collected using questionnaires. A report on unique identifiers for physical samples (e.g. International Geo Sampling Number) is prepared. This provides and overview of the principles, requirements for system architecture and procedures and recommendations nationally. the report includes practical information on the implementation of ISGN at IODP Core Repository in Bremen, Germany.


This proposal is a response to the challenge of preserving the geoscientific legacy. This legacy is manifested through scientific datasets, software, documentation and methodology. Of major concern is the handling of physical samples and especially the linkage between physical samples and digital datasets created from these physical samples. The intention is to provide a thorough description of the current status, identify disciplines or communities that have addressed the problem or parts of it in order to learn from these, document guidelines and best practises and establish a proof of concept system addressing the problem.

Funding scheme:

ISPNATTEK-ISP - naturvit. og teknologi

Funding Sources