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Fjerne oksygen i vann ved elektrolyse

Alternative title: Electrochemical deoxygenation of water

Awarded: NOK 1.6 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2015 - 2018

Funding received from:



Following the successful completion of laboratory scale cell for seawater deoxygenation, the industrial scale cell was designed, manufactured and tested. In the six month pilot test, the cell was able to remove the oxygen completely, and there were no problems observed on the durability of the cell. The research was performed on the nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes for their utilization for oxygen removal activities from seawater. Having high durability and better performance for oxygen removal, they were concluded as a suitable electrode for seawater deoxygenation. In addition to research on oxygen removal, the selective removal of ions from seawater was also conducted. Though it was concluded that the electrochemical method was not an ideal method for selective ions removal, it provided insight on the phenomena of selective ions removal from seawater. Further research is focused on the large scaled pilot testing and upgrading of the cell for real environment. In addition, the application of carbon nanotubes as a cathode material is also another research perspective.

Formålet med prosjektet er å forske på hvordan en kan fjerne oppløst oksygen fra vann ved hjelp av elektrolyse. I prosjektet kommer det til å bli laget flere typer celler, som det er sannsynlig at en kan lage produkter av. FOU utfordringer; Valg og test av materialer i anode og katode Tekniske utfordringer når en skal optimalisere størrelse på celle Uønskede bireaksjoner i prosessen med å fjerne oksygen Vi tror det største potensialet ved å fjerne oppløst oksygen fra vann, er at en hindrer korrosjon. Men også innen mat, drikke og farmasia/medisin kan prosessen bli brukt.

Funding scheme:
