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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Technologies for creative industries, social media and convergence (ICT-19a)

Awarded: NOK 69,999

ReMArD - Reconstruction and Meshing from Arbitrary Point Cloud Densities Prosjektet baserer seg i stor grad på de utfordringene POPART-konsortiet ikke ser for seg å løse i løpet av POPART-prosjektet (Previz for On-set Production - Adaptive Realtime Tracking). Og nye problemstillinger som dukker opp i forb. med teknologien vi tar i bruk i POPART. F.eks. cameratracking basert på forhåndsbygget 3d-database. Forløpig prosjektbeksrivelse på ReMArD: A wide variety of industries rely on mixed reality representations of visual content to implement their creative ideas. Several of them, including the film industry, architects, city planners, MORE, who are represented by partners in the ReMArD consortium, require a faithful reconstructions of large real-live environments. Whereas approximate matching of real-life and virtual elements is sufficient for creating mixed reality representations for many purposes, physically accurate combinations on arbitrary physical scales and from arbitrary distances and directions is highly important for the applications required by the ReMArD end users. In today?s reality, creating such large sets requires both a considerable amount of manual intervention for creating the faithful representation from recordings of various resolutions. The first set of challenges that ReMArD addresses are related to the amount of manual work that is required, and build functionality and innovative creative techniques, enabled by the new technical processes proposed in ReMArD.

Funding scheme:

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020