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FINN-EU: Forsknings- og innovasjonsnettverk for EU

Awarded: NOK 2.2 mill.

FINN-EU It is a national political objective that the public sector utilizes the opportunities offered by Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe for research-based development and innovation and for international cooperation. The interest in and understanding of the opportunities that lie in Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe for the municipal sector, seems to have increased significantly. Nevertheless, we see great potential for increased participation from this target group in Horizon. The main purpose of FINN-EU is to contribute to realizing this potential. The network, which consists of KS, FFA and UHR, has worked to make visible the municipal sector's opportunities in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. FINN-EU has been operational since mid-2015. FINN-EU aims to contribute to: - Good meeting places for sharing and knowledge development - Increased success rate / participation from Norwegian actors in Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe - New actors participate in Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe - New collaborative constellations arise - Increased collaboration between the research communities, the business community, and public sector - increased competence in public sector to utilize results and participate in EU collaboration with research communities and private sector During the project period, the network has arranged several workshops and matchmaking events with participants from the municipal sector, research environment, NGOs, and private companies. Some workshops have been regionally oriented, while others have been at a national or European level. All have been limited to thematic areas that are relevant to the municipal sector and where there will be relevant calls in Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe. KS has identified relevant thematic areas, the Research Council has identified relevant topics within these and FFA and UHR have identified relevant research environments for selected topics. At the same time, it has been a challenge to mobilize participants from the municipal sector, i.e. to visualize the opportunities for this sector presented by participating in R&D cooperation in Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe and identifying needs and relevant research areas. FINN-EU has therefore, in close collaboration with the Research Council, worked on a mentoring scheme for municipalities and county municipalities that want to participate in Horizon projects. The mentoring scheme is aimed at municipalities and county municipalities that have committed themselves to participating in at least one application process for a relevant Horizon topic within a time frame of one to two years. The participants have taken as their starting point a politically adopted strategic plan and chosen at least one relevant thematic area. The scheme has, among other things, focused on how the participants should plan and organize the application process as a preliminary project; how public actors should work to gain better insight into their challenges and needs; guidance in understanding Horizon as an ecosystem, and guidance on how participants can find relevant partners for the projects. The results from the mentoring scheme have been good and led to concrete application processes. The participants themselves report on the usefulness of sharing and learning across the organizations. More information about FINN-EU and upcoming activities can be found at

Se detaljert beskrivelse i resultatrapport. - Økt kompetanse på Horisont 2020/Europa blant nettverkets medlemmer - Økt oppmerksomhet rundt mulighetene i Horisont 2020/Europa og større politisk og administrativ vilje til å prioritere ressurser og kompetansebygging internt i deltakende organisasjoner. - Bedre samarbeid mellom nøkkelaktører og etablerte samarbeid om profesjonaliserte mobiliseringsarrangementer - Økt oppmerksomhet rundt offentlig sektors rolle i Horisont-prosjekter i nasjonale føringer for norsk deltakelse i Horisont Europa - KS og nettverksdeltakerne er etterspurt som erfaringseksempel og good practice på internasjonale arenaer - Fem av åtte mentordeltakere deltok i konsortier med søknadsløp for H2020 Green Deal-utlysningen; Én deltaker jobber strategisk med posisjonering for Missions. Resterende deltakere jobber videre med posisjonering for HEU.

FINN-EU skal: - bidra til økt motivering av, kvalifisering og mobilisering i egne medlemsmasser og økt samarbeid mellom aktører fra offentlig sektor, FoI-sektor og næringsliv; - gjennom mobilisering i sine respektive medlemsmasser, bidra til at det etableres nettverk for FoI-samarbeid-som fra gang til gang involverer medlemmer fra minst to av de tre aktørgruppene. Nettverkets hovedaktivitet vil være å gjennomføre en mentorordning i tett samarbeid med Forskningsrådet med utgangspunkt i offentlig sektors behov etter behovskartlegging og råd fra nettverkets medlemmer. Møteplassen vil være rettet mot spesifikke utlysninger innenfor Green Deal utlysningen: Kurs og workshops kan også skje i regi av eller i samarbeid med Forskningsrådet. Vi ønsker å etablere en digital møteplass for nettverksdeltakerne med tilgang til relevant informasjon og mulighet for deling av erfaringer og prosjektideer, samt markedsføring av nettverkets aktiviteter. Styringsgruppen i samarbeid med arbeidsgruppen for nettverket koordinerer og utvikler tverrsektorielle felles strategier og avtaler innenfor nettverket for mobilisering til H2020.

Funding scheme: