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GLOBVAC-Global helse- og vaksin.forskn

Human papillomavirus Vaccination as Platform for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Delivery in Zambia

Awarded: NOK 0.18 mill.

We aim to develop a research protocol to test and evaluate different interventions, which should improve sexual and reproductive health among adolescents in Zambia. In order to implement a sustainable and scalable public health policy, with highest possible impact on adolescent health provided at lowest cost, different intervention strategies should be tested and evaluated in Zambia. Zambia, like many African countries, experiences an extreme burden of both communicable and non-communicable diseases. Adolescent health has been identified as a national health concern and priority in Zambia. Early marriages, teenage pregnancies and abortions are common with more than 30% of women below 19 years of age have either given birth or are carrying a pregnancy; 7% of young women and ~4% of young men between the ages of 15 and 19 years are HIV positive. At the same time, Zambia has the 4th highest age-standardized incidence rate and 5th highest mortality rate of cervical cancer globally. HPV vaccine has recently become available as a tool for cervical cancer prevention, with the optimal age for vaccination in early adolescence, when the vast majority of the population is HPV naïve. HPV vaccination potentially offers a gateway for health service delivery to adolescents. As first steps in developing a research protocol, we engage with, and establish collaboration between, between stakeholders in Zambia and researchers in Norway, USA and Kenya to provide an efficient model for delivery of both vaccination and education. We expect the following main outcomes of these events: 1. Establishment of an international research consortium of several research and governmental institutions from Zambia, Kenya, USA and Norway 2. Development of a collaborative research project proposal, obtaining Ethical Committee approvals, both in Zambia and in Norway 3. Submit an application for the GLOBVAC 2017 4. Scientific publication in an international peer review journal on the meeting outcomes

Funding scheme:

GLOBVAC-Global helse- og vaksin.forskn