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ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Fremtidens energiløsninger for boligkomplekser

Alternative title: Energy Solutions for Future Residential Buildings

Awarded: NOK 3.5 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2016 - 2019

Funding received from:



The EnergiBolig project has developed a new type of heat recovery unit that increases the heat recovery rate from used ventilation air by more than 10 per cent. In this way we help that the building sector can comply with nearly zero energy requirements, and even the goal of the zero-emission society. A patent application has been submitted for this equipment whose mass production is expected for next year. In Norway, as in most industrialized countries, the building sector accounts for almost 40 percent of the total energy consumption. Thus, measures to reduce the world's greenhouse gas emissions are important in this sector. In Europe all new buildings should be so-called near zero energy by 2020. There are also strict requirements for renovated buildings. The EnergiBolig project has contributed to the transition towards a more energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly society. The project has developed ventilation elements that are more efficient than today's solutions and are well adapted to the Nordic climate. The solutions can be used in homes, apartment blocks, commercial buildings and upgrading of existing buildings. EnergiBolig is an innovation project fitting well into ENERGIX's strategy to achieve more energy-efficient solutions and for a more sustainable, value-creating and competitive Norwegian industry. To keep hygienic condition indoors, ventilation is necessary. When we ventilate a building with fresh outdoor air, energy will be used to heat it up to room temperature. When the used air is released to the outdoors again, this energy is lost. Therefore, for many years the recovery of energy from the used air it has been customary, also in homes. The type of recovery most common in Norway is the heat wheel. Heat is continuously transferred from the warm extracted air to the cold outdoor air by a porous wheel which rotates between the two air streams. When the focus on energy consumption increased in recent years, the energy recovery efficiency desire increased from the 70 to 80 percent that had been normal to 90 percent. However, it turned out that increased efficiency yields other disadvantages as increased electrical fan consumption due to increased pressure loss through the heat wheels. Through the project it has been shown that the technological limitations in today's solutions limit the efficiency to barely 80 percent. First the project work focused on studying the physics and then in creating mathematical models of what is happening in a recovery unit. Then the work on developing new solutions with increased efficiency started. Measurements show that the developed prototypes achieve recovery efficiencies close to 90 % as the theoretical models prognose. This is a large step towards achieving nearly zero energy demands owing to the reduced power requirement. In the project, a tool called EffMaster has also been developed. This simulates efficiencies of different physical designs. Secondly an indoors moisture generation simulation too has been developed and connected to the EffMaster. To develop such models, it was necessary to retrieve data from several sources. The model was verified against some own measurements in NTNU / SINTEF's Living Lab. With this model, moisture production throughout the day can be simulated. Now by co-simulation, tailor made solutions adapted to local climate, use of the building, inhabitants, etc. can be simulated. Additionally, the relative humidity of indoor air can be calculated for any hour of the year. This is done considering the effect of the moisture recovery of the heat wheel or other recovery solutions as well. For example, it can be checked whether there is a risk of condensation on windows or if the moisture level exceeds the desired values. It is also possible to quantify the efficiency reduction as the extract air condenses and forms frost on the exchanger surfaces. A simplified calculation of the ventilation related energy demands has also been developed. The work has been based on residential ventilation, but the solution we have developed can be scaled for use in all types of buildings.

Sammenlignet med den opprinnelige målsetningen har prosjektet lagt hovedvekten på energieffektiv ventilasjon, og da spesielt å utvikle mer effektiv varmegjenvinning fra ventilasjonsluft. Gjennom tidlig arbeid i prosjektet ble det funnet at dagens teknologi for roterende varmegjenvinnere begrenser gjenvinningsgraden til litt under 80 %. Vi har gjennom prosjektet utviklet nye løsninger som øker denne med 10 %. Det betyr redusert energibruk og effektbehov til klimatisering av bygninger. Det er videre arbeidet med å bestemme hvordan virkningsgraden for gjenvinnere begrenses ved lave utetemperaturer og hvordan fuktgjenvinning påvirker innendørs relativ fuktighet. Alt dette er resultater som bidrar til det overordnede målet om utvikling av med effektive løsninger tilpasset nordisk klima. Det er laget en patentsøknad som et resultat av prosjektet.

Boliger står i dag for omtrent 40 % av Norges energiforbruk og cirka 25 % av blokkbebyggelsen skal renoveres innen 2025. Fra 2020 vil det bli krav om near Zero Emmison Buildings. Flexit AS vil i samarbeid med NTNU, SINTEF Byggforsk og SINTEF Energi AS, utvikle en komplett produktlinje for boligklimatisering som tilfredsstiller de strengere, kommende kravene, heriblant varmegjenvinning på over 85 %. Løsningene må velges og samspille optimalt for hvert tilfelle og tilpasses brukernes svært varierende varme- og evt. kjølebehov for å sikre et godt inneklima. Flere nåværende utfordringer knyttet til ventilasjon, luftkvalitet og energiløsninger må løses. Dette gjelder spesielt i energieffektive bygg hvor et godt inneklima er avhengig av tilstrekkelig ventilasjon .Prosjektideen er å utvikle en modulbasert løsning med forbedrede komponenter tilpasset nordisk klima som integrerer ventilasjon, romtemperering og tappevannsoppvarming slik at totale kostnader, ressurs- og energibruk reduseres God, romtilpasset klimatisering skal sikres gjennom effektive, stillegående vifter med SFP på 1,0, membranteknologi for å unngå frost og lukt, induksjonsventil og/eller varmepumpe for romklimatisering, samt at andre ressurser til oppvarming og/eller kjøling skal fungere sammen, herunder varme som kan hentes fra sol, gråvann og avtrekksluft. Hvilke ressurser og hvilken systemløsning (desentralisert eller sentralisert f.eks.) som bør velges skal avgjøres ved simuleringer, som også vil brukes til optimalisering av enkeltkomponenter. Arbeidet med EnergiBolig vil innebære simuleringer, utvikling av styresystem basert på eksisterende sensorteknologi, labtesting, teknologiforbedring og uttesting i LivingLab ved NTNU for å sikre velfungerende energisamspill, brukervennlighet, fleksibilitet og kvalitet.

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Funding scheme:

ENERGIX-Stort program energi