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ENERGIX-Stort program energi

SET 9: Arbeid for å ivareta norske interesser i EERA Joint Programme for Advanced Materials and Processes for Energy Applications (AMPEA)

Awarded: NOK 0.68 mill.

The mission statement of AMPEA is to develop new horizons for science for energy, visible in Europe at the industrial and political level. The main objective is to harness and integrate materials science and process innovation for high performance sustainable energy technologies, in order to enhance the long-term competitiveness of European Industry. To bridge fundamental and applied research fields, AMPEA works in close coordination with other EERA-JPs, Universities (European Platform of Universities Engaged in Energy Research - EPUE) and the Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative (EMIRI). AMPEA is organised to apply the capacity of 3 tools sub-programmes (SPs) corresponding to generic research areas to applications SPs related to known emerging energy challenges and domains. There are presently 3 identified applications namely SPA: artificial photosynthesis, i.e. the ability to efficiently convert large amounts of solar energy into solar fuels; SPB: materials for extreme operating conditions; SPC: low temperature heat recovery. Other applications SPs will be added in the future as they are identified and defined by the AMPEA and more generally by the EERA members. Thanks to the financial support of the Norwegian Research Council of Norway, SINTEF has participated in several AMPEA meetings and scientific workshops to follow up the activities in the joint programme. SINTEF also organized one European Workshop on Fuel Cells, Membranes and Electrolysers, with attendance from AMPEA members and Norwegian academia and industry to further promote AMPEA activities in Norway. During these meetings, possibilities for strengthening activities on membranes and powder technologies, for instance, were also discussed and collaboration with several members were initiated. SINTEF also contributed to the preparation of strategic documents through the AMPEA platform.

SINTEF contributed to all SC meetings/ workshops organized by AMPEA. This enabled to gather information on EERA and new European programs; contribute to the preparation of call proposals through the JP; develop new collaborations with AMPEA members; contribute to the writing and lobbying of European programs. SINTEF also actively contributed to update the description of work of the AMPEA program, highlighting further the activities on membranes and powder-based technologies, as well as thermoelectric materials. SINTEF has become SP leader of the Sub-project on heat recovery and management, which entails several technologies of interest for Norwegian academia and industries. These activities have strengthened the positioning of SINTEF with the European Research Community focusing on both low and high temperature materials for energy applications. Furthermore, this has also contributed to more active and direct contact with representatives from the European Commission.

AMPEA ledes av CEA i Frankrike, som er den mest sentrale aktøren i forumet. SINTEF er den eneste norske deltakeren. De fleste store RTOene i Europa innenfor energiområdet er aktive i AMPEA, som f.eks. DTU (DK), VTT (FI), CEA (FR), ENEA (IT), UKERC (UK) og FZ Jülich (DE). I løpet av 2016 ønsker SINTEF å ta initiativ til å danne et nytt delprogram (SP) om nye materialer og systemer for gass-separasjon relatert til energi. SINTEF vil lede dette delprogrammet og vil bli medlem av Management Board for AMPEA. SINTEF vil delta i styringskomitémøter (2 pr. år) og workshops som arrangeres av AMPEA. I tillegg vil vi være representert på EERAs årlige konferanse. I løpet av 3-årsperioden vil SINTEF være vertskap for minst ett styringskomitémøte og 3 workshops arrangert av AMPEA.

Funding scheme:

ENERGIX-Stort program energi