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ENERGIX-Stort program energi

SET 9: Sub-Program-leader in EERA Joint Program for Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Technologies

Awarded: NOK 0.47 mill.

The main objective of the EERA Joint Project " Fuel Cells and Hydrogen" (JP FCH2) is to align medium to long term pre-competitive research activities at EERA institutes and associated institutions to create a technical-scientific basis for further improvement of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technologies. The JP aims at aligning and exploring synergies with (i) the research grouping N. ERGHY, (ii) the European public-private partnership FCH JU, and (iii) other JPs. Most of the partners involved in the present JP are also members of FCH JU. The initial focus of JP FCH2 is fuel cells and electrolysers operating in the whole temperature range. The technologies are attractive because of their high efficiency (heat and power), low environmental impact, and modularity. Over the last 5 years, significant technological progress has been made. However, there is a consensus in industry and academia that significant long-term research is still needed to realize the currently foreseen commercialisation of passenger vehicles from 2020 and to start fuel cell commercialisation in the field of stationary applications (both micro CHP and CHP for residential/decentralised power plants). The JP is organized in 7 Sub-projects: Electrolytes; Catalysts and Electrodes; Stack Materials and Design; Systems; Modelling, Validation and Diagnosis; Hydrogen Production and Handling; Hydrogen Storage. SINTEF contributes to various of the sub-projects and is co-coordinating activities on Stack Materials and Design. The participation of SINTEF to this JP enabled to know and meet important research groups in Europe, be part in strong consortium for new project proposals, contribute to the preparation of strategic documents (e.g. DoW of JP, proposals for call in Horizon 2020, etc.) and be informed about overall EERA activities and European programs.

SINTEF contributed to all SC meetings and workshops organized by EERA FCH. This enabled to gather information on the overall activities of EERA as well on the progress of the preparation of the European new programs; contribute to the preparation of call proposals through the JP. The participation in EERA enables SINTEF to know and meet important research groups in Europe. The JP is involved with other EU forums such as N.HERGY and Hydrogen Europe via meetings and discussions and this enables to have a broader view of European activities on these technologies. SINTEF also collaborated across the EERA's JPs to coordinate inputs (e.g. JPs AMPEA; Storage, and PV) and hold joint workshops (e.g. workshop organized in Jan. 2017 with JPs AMPEA and FC). Information from EERA is shared with stakeholders in N.ERGHY and also disseminated to Norwegian actors through workshops and seminars organized by SINTEF, the Norwegian Hydrogen Forum, the EU network Hydrogen2020 and FME MoZEES.

Prosjektets målsetting er å bidra til ledelsen og driften av Joint Program (JP) innenfor temaet Hydrogen og Brenselceller i European Energy Research Alliance (EERA). Første aktivitet i dette forprosjektet består i at SINTEF viderefører jobben med å lede Sub-Programmet (SP) innen katalyse og elektroder, der en rekke anerkjente Europeiske aktører er aktive med partnere: CEA (FR), DLR (D), ENEA (IT), FZJ (D), JRC IE (B), Risøe DTU (DK), TECNALIA (ES) og VTT(FI) med flere. Forsker Dr. Luis Colmenares har tatt på seg ansvaret for å lede delaktiviteten innen Katalyse og er allerede involvert med implementering og oppfølging av detaljerte framdriftsplaner (SP-Implementation Plan) for de neste årene fram mot 2020 i tråd med prioriteringer i SET-planen. Parallelt med arbeidet med partnerne i Europa og etablering av det faglige fokus for aktiviteten, skal den nasjonale speilgruppen, bestående av de mest sentrale norske aktører på området, driftes. Informasjon om hele JP-ens aktivitet skal formidles til norske aktører gjennom fora så som Norsk hydrogenforum, Hydrogenrådet og til Forskningsrådet. Speilgruppens medlemmer gis anledning til å komme med innspill til prioriteringer til delaktiviteten innen katalyse spesielt og til JP-en generelt. Årlige workshops innen temaet Katalyse og Elektroder med deltakere fra hele Europa skal avholdes.

Funding scheme:

ENERGIX-Stort program energi