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ENERGIX-Stort program energi

SET 9: Strategic participation in EU-fora Smart Cities NTNU

Awarded: NOK 0.77 mill.

EU-fora Smart Cities aims to influence the development of 4 selected EU-fora dealing with energy-efficient cities, for better alignment with NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities, and with Norwegian smart cities stakeholders. (1) The European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP AISBL) is well-connected to the European Commission and SET-Plan and has a strategic roadmap for positive energy districts and cities. Annemie Wyckmans (NTNU) has been the Norwegian liaison since 2012. ECTP is of particular relevance for the Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities. (2) The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP SCC) has multiple Action Clusters and Initiatives supporting the development of smart cities and positive energy districts. Judith Borsboom leads the initiative «From Plan to Implementation» in the Action Cluster Integrated Planning. The Smart City Guidance Package, developed by this initiative, is launched officially in May 2019, with contributions by Norwegian cities. (3) The Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA) is one of the key initiatives of JPI Urban Europe in urban research, balancing the more technically oriented EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities of the European Energy Research Alliance. NTNU is a member of UERA, and Judith Borsboom is Chair of the Steering Committee. (4) The European Energy Awards (EEA) support local authorities in establishing interdisciplinary planning approaches and implementing effective energy and climate policy measures through the rational use of energy and increased use of renewable energies. Siri Joli has facilitated meetings between EEA and Norwegian agencies to discuss establishment of EEA in Norway.

EU-fora Smart Cities hadde til hensikt å påvirke utviklingen av 4 utvalgte EU-fora som omhandler energieffektive byer, for bedre tilrettelegging for og forakring i NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities og norske smartby-aktører generelt. (Se forøvrig Populærvitenskapelig framstilling). Vi mener satsingen har hatt ønsket effekt, samtlige milepæler er oppnådd og spesielt gledelig var det at den NTNU ledede Fyrtårnsøknaden for Trondheim og Limerick; +CityxChange, ble godkjent og offentliggjort november 2018. Det er gjennomført en rekke workshops med norske byer og interessenter og vi har flere samarbeidsprosjekter på gang. Det har vært nyttig og viktig med støtten fra Forskningsrådet for å kunne etablere gode rutiner for Workshops og finne dyktige samarbeidspartnere.

ECTP AISBL has close collaboration with the EU Commission and is, in our experience, an excellent source of information on upcoming changes and priorities in Horizon2020. E2BA has created roadmaps and other strategic documents that have had a large influence on call topics, we assume that this will continue also in the future as ECTP AISBL, and want to continue to stay involved in this forum. NTNU is one of few members that also works with a district-to-city scope among ECTP AISBL partners, which means we have been encouraged to apply for the EeB-CA2 Expert Group (Energy efficient buildings cluster activities coordination action). EIP SCC: The EIP SCC has regular invitations for commitments towards its 6 Action Clusters, ranging from symposia to demonstration projects. Until now, NTNU has not had the capacity to get actively engaged in the EIP SCC, and has rather chosen to participate through EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities. NTNU has participated amongst others in the development of the Strategic and Operational Implementation Plans, and would like to take a stronger role in the actual roll-out of these plans. New NTNU staff member Judith Borsboom leads the initiative «From Plan to Implementation» in the Action Cluster Integrated Planning and aims to integrate this firmly in smart cities initiatives at NTNU and in Norway. UERA: UERA will now become a formal organisation with a formal governance structure and a road map, and NTNU has the opportunity to take a leading role in the organisation, with particular responsibility for low carbon cities linked to the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe.

Funding scheme:

ENERGIX-Stort program energi