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E!10109 Digital research Tailored Information Detector

Alternative title: Digital etteretning, skreddersydde informasjonssøk

Awarded: NOK 4.7 mill.

Project Manager:

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Project Period:

2016 - 2019

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The amount of information on the internet is increasing rapidly and the increase in information is constantly creating new opportunities, but also new challenges. Since 2005, OSINT Analytics AS has been an innovative player in the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) market, offering tailor-made information search and data collection online. Our OSINT technology is unique in that it uses statistical methods to classify the content of web pages, making it more flexible and accurate than other technologies in the Open Source Intelligence market. The market for data analytics is growing, and technology is evolving rapidly. In recent years, the solutions have been significantly improved on data analysis and presentation with data visualization. The challenge in many analysis projects is often a lack of relevant data, mainly analysis projects with internal, structured data. By offering tailor-made searches on the Internet that analyze data and create relevant metadata, we have radically improved the data base used in data analysis in companies and organizations. We have developed a working methodology to define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and to help clients to make the best use of external data in data analysis.

Prosjektet har nådd alle sine mål. Det har bidratt til økt kunnskap og til utvikling av nye teknologier med kommersielt potensial. Prototype fra prosjektet får gode tilbakemeldinger fra markedet. SME-partnerne er enige om å etablere et kommersielt partnerskap etter prosjektet, for å fullføre produktene og introdusere disse til markedet.

The project goal is to develop a BI tool that drastically improves the process of information intelligence in knowledge intensive organizations. Dr. TIDE will do so in three ways: First, the quality of the input will be improved. The best BI tool needs good data. Dr. Tide will significantly improve crawler performance by focusing also on changes in documents. An internal study of Scan4News has revealed a huge amount of changes within a 2 week period of monitoring; many of these changes occurred without any notification and 3.6% were relevant to the topic at hand. I adittion to handelig changes it will implement methods for web indexing, and news minitoring, and the final project will be a comprehensice crawler for web mining. Second, we will develop BI algorithms and KPIs to make most sense out of the large amount of data. Third, we will conduct research on the best ways of visualizing complex data to ensure that users understand the data, share their insights in group discussions and make the best decisions. The outcome of the project will be a product, containing a webcrawler, a user interface, visualization options, BI intelligence that needs to be customized to the customer. We will work with one of the leading reserch companes within chemical industry i europe as a use case. They have a demand for information that currently no search providers are able to provide, therefore, they currently monitor more than 300 websites manually. They need a tailor made information search plus an advanced information intelligence tool to monitor their field and competitors. Current BI tools focus on company-intern data, but do not include external data. Dr. Tide will be a new tool that will give the users the possibility to have the same insight in external data as in internal and create shorter reaction time to external threats or possibilities.

Funding scheme: