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Spesialist fra Kina: Field Work based teacher education course development in Early Childhood Education

Awarded: NOK 44,499

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2016 - 2016

Funding received from:

This is a project in collaboration between HIB ( Bergen University College), ECNU (East China Normal University) and staff member at BNU(Beijing Normal University )in a two year period 2015-2016.the main objects is support early childhood education students' exchange , develop joint MA course and do field work based research and innovation in kindergarten teacher education. Three universities take responsibilities to provide ideas ,students exchange organization ,hold seminars in turn, finding kindergartens for field work in local areas , as well as technology support for interactive course development . HIB(Bergen University College) will apply for new project on students exchange ,research with ECNU and BNU , We will provide new ideas and integrate our resources for our cooperation . HIB will built a summer school on teacher education in historical and culture perspective that also benefit for all of us . There have three main challenges: Firstly financial support , we need face to face communication and field work to find good points to develop teacher training education course and research , as well as take some video clips which can use in joint course, these need financial. Secondly , we try to publish in English while English is not our native language for both sides , that make the publishing process longer .Third, we hope to have sustainable cooperation , each side need more than one people to form a group .All these are not easy for both of us although we have some experience in former cooperation and solve some other problems.

Funding scheme:
