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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Participation in European Sustainable Energy Week, EUSEW 2016

Awarded: NOK 16,361

Participation at The European Sustainable Energy Week 13-17th of June 2016 in Brussels, EUSEW, an initiative by the European Commission, is the most important conference and networking event in Europe on sustainable energy during the year, and for a small unknown company such as BNW Energy it is vital to be present at this event. We have registered and will take active part in several networking and match-making activities (see appendix 2): - "E2 - Energy Efficiency for Industry", 13-16th of June - "E-Mobility Works final conference", 14th of June - "Energy Efficiency in the Building Sector - Building Successful Consortia for Horizon2020", 15th of June - "Think Exergy not Energy - a Science Europe Workshop", 16th of June - "E² Tech4Cities Brokerage Event 2016", 17th of June. We will also apply for the opportunity to give a presentation at "Speaker's Corner" (call for proposals for Speaker's Corner is not yet open).

Funding scheme:

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020