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FRIMEDBIO-Fri med.,helse,biol

12th Annual Meeting of the European Delirium Association, Oslo, Norway

Awarded: NOK 0.17 mill.

Delirium is a syndrome characterized by acute confusion, inattention, and altered level of consciousness. A high variety of etiological factors can provoke a delirium, where infections, surgery, and drug withdrawal are common examples of precipitating factors. The pathophysiology of delirium is poorly understood, and except from treating the condition that provoke the delirium, no causual treatment exists. At the 16th and 17th of November 2017, the 12th yearly meeting of the European Delirium Association was held in Oslo. The local organizing committee was Oslo Delirium Research Group at Oslo University Hopsital. 249 participants from 24 countries partcipated at the congress. Both researchers and clinicians were represented at the conference.

Fra 2006 har den eruopeiske deliriumskongress blitt arrangert hvert år. Kongressen har i gjennomsnitt hatt 250 deltakere fra ulike europeiske land. I tillegg er deltakere fra USA og Australia ofte representert. Oslo Delirium Research Group er blitt forespurt av det europeiske styret om å arrangere kongressen høsten 2017. Dette har vi takket ja til, og kongressen vil avholdes på Hotell Bristol, Oslo, fra 16.-17. november 2017.

Funding scheme:

FRIMEDBIO-Fri med.,helse,biol