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CONCERT: European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research

Awarded: NOK 1.4 mill.

The EC funded Concert project (European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research) has promoted integration and joint programming in radiation protection research, including radioecology. Thus, the project is based on the common research topics recommended by the European research platforms MELODI, ALLIANCE, NERIS and EURADOS, and later EURAMED, and SHARE, to strengthen and integrate a radiation protection research programme in Europe. The overall mission of CONCERT was to plan, manage and administer radiation protection research in Europe in a sustainable and open way by co-ordinating the SRAs, research priorities and long-term roadmaps of all the European Radiation Protection Research Platforms, by developing joint research priorities and a joint research roadmap, by promoting the integration of research groups from radiation protection institutions, research centres and universities, by promoting the integration of research organisations and funding agencies, by building a research network open to new partners, and by integrating Education and Training (E&T) and access to infrastructure in the research programme. The CONCERT project ran over 60 months, from 01.06.2015 to 31.05.2020, and has produced 212 deliverables spanning across all work packages, has launched open transnational CONCERT Calls and has funded 9 research projects and 57 E&T courses. Having status as a linked third party (LTP) within the CONCERT project, NMBU/CERAD has been actively involved in 5 workpackages: 1) WP2 Integration and SRA development in radiation protection research has been central in CONCERT as the developed strategic research agenda (SRA) within radiation protection has been updated in the light of new developments and multidisciplinary discussions. As board member the ALLIANCE, the European platform in radioecology, and as a LTP partner, NMBU/CERAD has identified specific research topics in the CONCERT SRA that fitted very well to the CERAD CoE SRA. 2) WP3 Priority research and joint programming needs in the perspective of European integration was a direct consequence of WP2, where identified research priority areas were topics for open calls. In 2016, focus was put on Reducing uncertainties in human and ecosystem radiological risk assessment and management in nuclear emergencies and existing exposure situations, including NORM, a topic in full accordance with the overall aim of CERAD CoE. Three projects were funded, and NMBU/CERAD CoE became partner in 2 new EC/CONCERT projects; TERRITORIES (To Enhance Reducing uncertainties and Involving stakeholders TOwaRds Integrated and graded management of human and wildlife in long-lasting radiological Exposure Situations), and CONFIDENCE (COping with uNcertainties For Improved modelling and DEcision making in Nuclear emergenCiEs). TERRETORIES focused on uncertainties associated with impact assessment related to ecosystems and populations exposed to long-term environmental radioactivity, while CONFIDENCE focused on uncertainties associated with impact assessments related to populations short term after an accident. Following the call in 2017, six projects were funded, where NMBU became partner in SHAMISEN-SINGS (Stakeholder Involvement in Generating Science After Nuclear Emergencies) with focus on the Fukushima accident. In addition, following the call in 2019, NMBU/CERAD became in a new EU project RadoNorm (Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific evidence and social considerations -focus on radon and NORM) with Kick-off November 2020. 3) WP5 Stakeholder involvement and communication in radiation protection research, where NMBU/CERAD contributed with ethic competence, 4) WP6 Access to infrastructure where NMBU presented the Gamma facility, and a list of available facilities was prepared for the web (webhandbook), and 5)WP7 Education and training where NMBU was actively contributing, being the host of the only MSC in radioecology in Europe, and has been responsible for the European E&T platform. CONCERT has also funded 2 course modules at NMBU in 2017; Experimental radioecology, and Assessing Risk to Humans and the Environment, as part of the NMBU MSc in radioecology, with both Norwegian and foreign students. CONCERT has been a very important project as integration in Europe with respect to research, to access to infrastructure and to joint E&T activities is crucial. Furthermore, the CONCERT Project is also very important for coordination and further development of the radioecological research in Europe beyond 2020.

Det EU finansiert Concert prosjektet (European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research) har bidratt til både integrasjon og felles satsing innenfor europeisk strålevern-forskningen, inkludert radioøkologi. Prosjektet var basert på satsningsområder som var identifisert av de Europeiske forsknings plattformene MELODI, ALLIANCE, NERIS and EURADOS, og senere EURAMED og SHARE, for å styrke strålevernforskningen i Europa. CONCERT har videreutviklet den strategiske forskningsagendaen innen strålevernforskningen i lys av nye oppdagelser og tverrfaglige diskusjoner. I tillegg har CONCERT bidratt til felles utnyttelse av infrastruktur og felles bidrag til utdanning (E&T). CONCERT har finansiert 9 forskningsprosjekter og 57 E&T kurs. CONCERT har vært et meget viktig prosjekt for integrasjon og styrking av Europeisk strålevernforskning, og ikke minst for videreføring av strålevernforskningen i Europa etter 2020.

The proposed European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research (acronym: CONCERT) aims to contribute to the sustainable integration of European and national research programmes in the field of radiation protection. It will do so by focusing resources and efforts in five key directions: - Bring together the European scientific communities within radiation effects and risks, radioecology, nuclear emergency preparedness, dosimetry and medical radiation protection, whose joint expertise is essential to continue the development of radiation protection knowledge in a multidisciplinary mode to reduce further the uncertainties in radiation protection. - Strengthen integrative activities with due attention to the synergies to be established between the various areas of expertise, in particular biology, biophysics, epidemiology, dosimetry and modelling as well as fostering the use of existing infrastructures and education and training (E&T) activities within radiation protection. - Stimulate scientific excellence, by setting up and co-fund advanced research programmes that will have the potential to enhance current knowledge and the scientific evidence base for radiation protection. - Exchange and communicate with stakeholders concerned with radiation protection, the regulatory organizations across Europe, the public and media where necessary, and the international community of scientific, technical, legal and other professionals in radiation protection. - Foster the harmonious application of available scientific basis for radiation protection practices across Europe, by bringing together scientific and technical expertise in radiation protection issues, standard setting know how, particularly with respect to the implementation of the Euratom Basic Safety Standards (BSS) at the legal, administrative and operational level. NMBU/CERAD CoE contributes to almost all WPs.

Funding scheme:
