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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

SmartChain: Digitaliserte, automatiserte og integrerte verdikjeder

Alternative title: SmartChain: Digital, automated and integrated supply chains

Awarded: NOK 12.7 mill.

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Project Period:

2017 - 2020

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Automation and digitalization of production is generally regarded as an effective way of achieving cost-effectiveness and increasing profits, through e.g. reduced costs, less tied-up capital, shorter cycle times, increased quality, and new business models. In order to ensure systematic, strategic and integrated automation and digitalization decisions, the SmartChain project has conducted a study of best practice strategic recommendations for Industry 4.0, Factory of the future and Digital Supply Networks. The work is summarized in a strategic concept for systematic introduction of automation and digitalization technology in the supply chain - 'The Strategic Landscape of Industry 4.0' - which shows how two 'schools' exist within this area. While some believe that companies must start by developing a digital vision and strategy before proceeding to invest in new technology, others believe that companies must go away from these approaches and create new production- and/or supply chain strategies that are enabled and strengthened by new technology. KMS takes the latter stance, and has established a new supply chain strategy that, to a much greater extent than previously, describes how technology will help support the company's business strategy. It is important to avoid automation and digitalization of poor processes; hence, the company has developed the adage 'lean first, then digitize'. Regarding automation, an analysis of the automation potential of a number of processes at KMS, which volume products will undergo, has been carried out. This has provided the basis for further development of a concept for efficient production of volume and premium products. So far, this has been realized in a simulation model that includes all mapped processes, including sawing, washing, casting, milling/grinding and measurement of composite materials. The model can be 'entered' through Virtual Reality. In the last period of the project we have developed an algorithm for vision-based error detection in composites. Automation of production assumes that the products are designed with respect to automated assembly. The project has also developed methodology for integrated product development, where the idea is to involve more functions early in the development process to ensure a good, profitable life cycle for the products. In addition to internal functions, KMS also see the opportunity to involve strategic suppliers in such processes. KMS' supplier Oswo is now involved in a concrete development project, and a master's thesis at NTNU is linked to this activity, that has studied opportunities and barriers associated with such collaboration. In the last period of the project we have conducted interviews and workshops to identify the challenges in the existing product development process, which is summarized in a short project note. Real-time monitoring and control are prerequisites for automated production systems. In the project, a study of existing Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) has been carried out. The knowledge from this study is used to specify relevant requirements for such systems, which are used to evaluate different actor's solutions. Oswo and Norautron are invited to these evaluations, to look at opportunities that can realize increased real-time monitoring and control in larger parts of the supply chain. A MES maturity model has also been developed, building upon an idea that companies can have different approaches to MES implementation depending on their maturity. Further, MES solutions have been evaluated together with other Kongsberg companies in order to communicate the suitable solutions, and increase the standardization and learning across Kongsberg companies. After scientific evaluation of the existing MES systems and workshops with several selected MES vendors, we have chosen an MES to implement in our production system. We have mapped the production processes, identified the information needs together with the selected MES vendor and the researchers as the first part of the implementation phase. In this last year of the project SmartChain, the acquirement of Rolls-Royce Commercial Marine has impacted the scope of the project. In order to have an integrated MES system, we have involved our new partner to the MES selection and design process. In this final year, supplier integration has also become a main focus in the project due to the strong interest expressed by the global supply chain department that aim to coordinate the supply processes across our companies and partners. Procurement processes have been mapped and improvement potentials have been identified and validated through several hands-on workshops with our strategic partners, OSWO and Norautron. SINTEF has delivered final project reports on MES and supplier integration studies.

Digital strategi er allerede implementert. Automatiseringsløsninger og tett integrerte MES løsninger planlegges nå implementert i 2021. IPD prosess vil også bli optimalisert basert på leveranser i prosjektet. Alle disse skal ha effekter på reduksjon i produksjonskostnader, redusert kapitalbinding, og sikring av dagens omsetning, og ikke minst økt andel verdiskaping hos kjerneleverandører.

Norske leverandører har i en årrekke hatt betydelig konkurransekraft og vekstpotensial knyttet til kunnskapsbasert produksjon av svært avanserte og innovative produkter med høy grad av skreddersøm. Et eksempel på slike produkter er undervannsakustikk og marin robotikk for navigasjon og kartlegging i havrommet, der Kongsberg Maritime Subsea (KMS) i Horten har posisjonert seg som en verdensledende premiumprodusent. Gjennom de siste femten årene har derimot denne konkurransekraften blitt satt kraftig på prøve av konkurrenter i lavkostland. KMS og bedriftens strategiske leverandører skal i årene som kommer svare på denne konkurransen ved å tilby et bredere produktspekter til flere kundesegmenter. Prosjektets overordnede idé er at økt digitalisering og automatisering i kjerneverdikjeden muliggjør konkurransedyktig produksjon av volum- og premiumprodukter til ulike markedssegmenter. Hovedmålet er å utvikle metoder og løsninger som sikrer effektive verdikjeder med høy grad av teknologistøttet fremstilling, styring og kontroll. Dette skal realiseres gjennom følgende delmål: (1) Utvikle strategisk konsept for effektive verdikjeder med høy grad av automatisering og digitalisering; (2) Utvikle metode for automatisert produksjon av volumprodukter i samspill med produksjon av premiumprodukter, samt tekniske prototyper i et laboratoriemiljø; (3) Utvikle metodikk for integrert utvikling av produksjonsvennlige produkter i kjerneverdikjeden; (4) Modellere et integrert system for sanntidsovervåking og -styring, som effektivt håndterer materialflyt og uforutsette hendelser i verdikjeden; (5) Teste og dokumentere prosjektresultater i demonstrator for integrert og automatisert fremstilling i et verdikjedeperspektiv. Prosjektet skal gjennomføres av KMS i samarbeid med kjerneleverandørene Norautron og Oswo, IT-selskapet Virinco og FoU-partnerne SINTEF Teknologi og samfunn og SINTEF Raufoss Manufacturing.

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Funding scheme:

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena