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E!11374 Specialised platform for remote monitoring of patients with diabetes

Alternative title: Platform for fjern-monitorering av pasienter med diabetes

Awarded: NOK 4.1 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2017 - 2019

Funding received from:



Partner countries:

The ageing of the population and the rise of chronic diseases are putting an increasing pressure in the existing health system, and telemedicine has been defined as one of the means to confront the challenge. Among the most common chronic diseases is diabetes. According to the International Diabetes Federation, the number of people with diabetes has nearly quadrupled since 1980 and will reach 642 million people worldwide by 2040, corresponding to one in 10 adults suffering from diabetes. Currently about Euro 634 billion, 12% of global health expenditure, is spent on diabetes. Therefore improvements on diabetic care along with prevention measures are of great importance to overcome this enormous societal challenge. Other chronic diseases that also represent major costs for society are COPD and kidney patients, as well as the follow-up of home-based patients who have cancer or cardiovascular disease. Through the OTH Diabetes project, the partners have developed software components that can be applied in a general platform for remote patient monitoring and that cover general health parameters and more specialized software components for remote patient monitoring of patients with diabetes. Through project, a solution has been developed for integrating medical devices via a new "Personal Health Gateway". This is further integrated with the existing remote patient monitoring solution from OTH. The general platform components for remote patient monitoring has already been integrated into remote patient monitoring systems from other service providers and with other patient groups that suffers from COPD and kidney failure. Through the project we have developed an effective tool for monitoring the health of the diabetic patient, for example by being able to monitor: glucose level, weight, blood pressure and other health parameters using medical equipment, as well as symptoms, diet, and medication using app-based patient dialogues and questionnaires. The project has also contributed to the development of secure handling of person-sensitive data. The development has followed recent recommendations from the OpenID connect Health Relationship Trust (HEART) working group. The solution is based on the HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard. The project has resulted in a software system for remote patient monitoring that includes: - A web application for the clinicians . - A mobile/tablet app for the patient. - A variety of connected measurement devices covering vital signs, glucose level, blood pressure, weight etc. - Secure processing and storing of person sensitive data .

Overordnet kontekst for prosjektet var digitalisering innenfor helse og velferd for å sikre bærekraft i forhold til sentrale samfunnsutfordringer, med eldrebølgen, økt levealder og økning av antall mennesker med kroniske sykdommer. Effekten av løsning for medisinsk avstandsoppfølging for brukere og samfunn innkluderer: - Lavere kostnader for samfunnet fordi avstandsoppfølging krever mindre tid og ressurser i forhold til å oppfølging med fysisk tilstedeværelse - Bedre hverdag for pasient da de kan redusere antall reiser til sykehuset - Pasient følger opp og forstår egen sykdom bedre da de selv utfører målinger og svarer på spørreskjema og har tilgang til data om utvikling av egen helse - Mer kostnadseffektiv journalføring da pasientens målinger og besvarelser automatisk legges inn i sykehussystemer, og elektroniske pasient journaler. For prosjektdeltagere er effekter blant annet, mulighet til forskning, utvikling og kompetanseheving samt nye og forbedrede produkter og prosesser

The ageing of the population and the rise of chronic diseases are putting an increasing pressure in the existing health system, and telemedicine has been defined as one of the means to confront the challenge. One of the most prevalent chronic diseases is diabetes. According to the International Diabetes Federation, the number of people with diabetes has nearly quadrupled since 1980 and will reach 642 million people worldwide by 2040, corresponding to one in 10 adults suffering from diabetes. Currently about Euro 634 billion, 12% of global health expenditure, is spent on diabetes. Therefore improvements on diabetic care along with prevention measures are of great importance to overcome this enormous societal challenge. The OTH Diabetes project aims to develop a highly specialised platform for remote monitoring of patients with diabetes covering general health parameters as well as specialised wound care. By the integration of new devices and the specialised wound care platform into the existing OTH system for remote monitoring we will provide an effective tool to monitor diabetic patient?s glucose levels, symptoms, diet, medication adherence, and wound healing. The result will be a new system consisting on: - A web application for the clinicians . - A mobile/tablet app for the patient. - A variety of connected measurement devices covering vital signs, glucose level, bandage pressure. - A central data repository .

Funding scheme: