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MARINFORSK-Marine ressurser og miljø

Ocean Health under Blue Transitions

Alternative title: Vekst i marine næringer og utviklingen i bærekraftsmål langs kysten

Awarded: NOK 8.1 mill.

The growth in marine industries is changing local communities and coastal ecosystems. To guide ecosystem-based management, there is a need for developing indicators of ocean health and analyze how the industrial development is affecting sustainability goals. In BlueTrans, we have developed indicators for nine sustainability goals for the coastal municipalities in northern Norway. The indicators are based on the Ocean Health Index framework, and are tailored to Norwegian conditions. The indicators are composed of data from open data sources and official statistics. One of the goals of BlueTrans has been to implement inclusive and transparent process in the development of the sustainability indicators. In addition to involvement of local stakeholders, we have developed a web platform that communicates relevant statistics, indicators and knowledge about sustainability. The portal has been named the Coastal Barometer, and presents the indicators through statistics and maps, and not least knowledge about sustainability through popular science articles. The articles focus on threats to sustainability, various sustainability dilemmas, the relationship between sustainability on a local and global scale, and the various dimensions of sustainability. The Coastal Barometer is structured as a tool to promote fact- and knowledge-based discussion about sustainability. The purpose is to create engagement and contribute to open research based on knowledge of the various sustainability goals. BlueTrans has emphasized local engagement and has examined conflicts between different stakeholders and trade-offs between different sustainability goals. We have developed and conducted a broad internet-based survey aimed at the coastal population in northern Norway. The survey identifies places and areas that are of particular value to local people and how they perceive threats and conflicts related to local sustainability. The dataset is a rich source of knowledge about the local appreciation of nature values and sustainability along the coast of northern Norway. In addition, a broad survey has been conducted among fishers and municipal area planners in northern Norway. In this study, we have examined challenges related to area conflicts between coastal fishers and the development of new industries such as aquaculture, tourism and mineral activities. Specifically, we have examined whether decisions related to new industries follow good governance practice, whether coastal fishers’ knowledge, culture and rights are included in the decision-making process, and the extent to which renewable resources are taken into account in the development of new industries.

I BlueTrans har vi satt sammen datasett fra et vidt spekter av fagområder, inkludert miljø, natur, fiskeri, akvakultur, turisme, friluftsliv og økonomi. Hensikten har vært å syntetisere kunnskap om hvordan vekst i den blå økonomien påvirker ulike bærekraftsmål langs kysten. Blant prosjektdeltagerne har prosjektet bidratt til økt tverrfaglig kompetanse og økt kompetanse om sosioøkologiske systemer, bærekraft og bærekraftsdilemmaer, grønn omstilling, folkeforskning og utvikling av sammensatte og komplekse indikatorer. Kunnskapen har vært generert sammen med tre unge forskere (2 PostDocs og 1 PhD), som har fått en unik kompetanse innen bærekraftsforskning (sustainability science). Kunnskap fra prosjektet har blitt formidlet gjennom vitenskapelige og allmenne kanaler, og har bidratt til økt kunnskap og bevissthet om endringene som foregår langs kysten. Gjennom møter med lokale interessenter og kartlegging av lokalbefolkningens perspektiver, har BlueTrans bidratt til lokalt engasjement og bevissthet rundt bærekraft. Det viktigste produktet fra prosjektet er en innovativ nettportal, Kystbarometeret, som gjennom bærekraftsindikatorene formidler kunnskap om vekst i blå næringer og utfordringer knyttet til bærekraft langs kysten av Nord-Norge. Kystbarometeret er ikke bygget opp som et styringsverktøy for forvaltning eller industri, men er laget som et demokrativerktøy som skal fremme fakta- og kunnskapsbasert diskusjon om bærekraft. Målsetningen er at Kystbarometeret skal bidra til bevisstgjøring, samfunnsengasjement og kunnskapsbaserte beslutningsprosesser for en grønn omstilling langs kysten.

The emerging blue economy is affecting ecosystems and coastal communities around the world. Knowledge of how the industrial development influences different aspects of ocean health is essential to guide ecosystem-based management. However, the blue growth is likely to spur complex interactions between coastal natural and social systems, resulting in unexpected sustainability outcomes and changing the public's perceptions of ocean health. In this project, we have assembled a broad research team with comprehensive knowledge on coastal communities and ecosystems, covering competences from natural and social sciences. The team will undertake a novel interdisciplinary study on how the blue economy is changing different aspects of ocean health in Northern Norway. The project will use data-intensive studies to understand changes in sustainability outcomes, develop indices of ocean health through stakeholder involvement, and include the public in defining threats and priorities of ocean health. Finally, the global relevance of the Norwegian case will be analyzed by policy-relevant scenarios and comparisons with other coastal regions. The study will develop new operational indicators of ocean health that can be used in ecosystem-based management. It will map trade-off and synergies among sustainability goals, and it will identify the cumulative environmental impact from the developing marine industries.

Publications from Cristin

Funding scheme:

MARINFORSK-Marine ressurser og miljø