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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

AIA Smart Grid Energy Assistant

Awarded: NOK 49,999

The main objective of AIA Science is to commercialize business oriented Artificial Intelligence solutions in reliable production environments, enabling businesses to become more efficient and enabling businesses to offer new and better services in the market. We are targeting the energy sector and are developing a solution for predicting energy consumption and production on farms. With this solution farmers are able to optimize planning of power comsuming activies. The automation of planning for the cheapest available power will make agriculture more resource-efficient and cost-effective. The solution also maximises the use of the renewable energy sources on a farm, like solar and wind power, and will give farms a silent and clean production. In the SME phase 1 proposal the main objective will be to develop a feasibility study supporting further commercialization of the our solution. The key challenges to be assessed by the project: * Ensure market fit of AIA Science's product for agricultural energy managemement, through market analysis and market segmentation. * Ensure access to market through assessment of value chains and identification of pilot customers in foreign markets. * Ensure access to financing for a scalable product * Ensure protection of intellectual property and enable freedom to operate

Funding scheme:

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020