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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

DataUniTor - PES for SME Instrument phase 1

Awarded: NOK 49,999

The overriding objective of the project will be to deliver a Feasibility Study underpinning the development and commercialization journey of DataUniTor's BlockNetwork solution. Unique Selling Points are seen in relation to unparalleled security to big data applications, taking fewer instructions, handling larger volumes and providing a simpler and faster response. The study will summarize tasks and activities related to risk assessment, market study, user involvement, Intellectual Property (IP) management, innovation strategy development, partner search and feasibility of concept. In addition, work during phase 1 is expected to significantly increase the ability to successfully address the H2020 SME Instrument phase 2 program after the phase 1 project has been concluded. Based on the size and nature of the market opportunity, uniqueness of technology and protected IP position, we believe DataUniTor is in line with program objectives seeking "ground-breaking concept(s) that could shape new markets or disrupt existing ones in Europe and worldwide."

Funding scheme:

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020