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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Integration of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Innovations with Open Science and E-Publishing Sectors for Transparency and Credibility

Awarded: NOK 0.20 mill.

Through this PES2020 application, we seek support from the Research Council of Norway, for the establishment of consortium and development of INNOSUP-03-2018 proposal with 'DIGITALNORWAY - Toppindustrisenteret AS' as the coordinator. The title of the proposal that we intend to develop is ' Integration of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Innovations with Open Science and E-Publishing Sectors for Transparency and Credibility (BlockSciPub)'. Digitization creates great opportunities for growth and innovation. At the same time the digital transformation, and the need to attract new competences and knowledge, is difficult for any organization. The Norwegian commercial sector consists of a few large and many small to medium-sized companies. To succeed with digitization, it is necessary to share knowledge and experiences between companies and cutting-edge professionals. Through coordinating INNOSUP project on DLTs, we aim to become an arena that builds, connects and drives digitization projects among institutions, industries and clusters across Europe. The proposal will be a piloting scheme for the uptake of DLTs by SMEs. It will aim at testing in real conditions the opportunities, challenges, risks and necessary conditions associated with DLTs in different context and sectors. Thereby it will stimulate (i) the uptake of DLTs by SMEs and inspire others to follow, and equally (ii) it will sensitize intermediaries to develop their expertise in this respect and (iii) it will help draw lessons for policy makers and regulators.

Funding scheme:

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020