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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020


Awarded: NOK 69,999

Local & regional energy plans are oftentimes developed & implemented independently from each other.While this is on one hand important in order to consider country-specific needs it can on the other hand also lead to a considerable duplication of efforts and wasted resources.Effective support for public authorities therewith has to consider both–country specific needs with the support of National Advisory Groups as well as the pan-European context with all relevant policy frameworks such as the Energy Union strategy. The ENERACT project therefore aims to support a more collaborative approach towards the vision of the Energy Union, by(i)bringing together multiple stakeholders from the public and other related sectors,(ii)by developing transition roadmaps which clearly outline the long-term goals of the Energy Union and by(iii)providing step-by-step guidance towards their implementation. Public authorities will therewith be invited to develop and implement ambitious SEAPs/SECAPS planning on the basis of reliable data from multiple national stakeholders. In this call, international partners are invited to support public authorities in the development of transition roadmaps which will clearly outline the path to the European long-term 2050 targets and inform the ongoing implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs). Public authorities’ capacities should be strengthened in order to empower them to take up their role of energy transition leaders at regional and local level, by permanently improving their skills as public entrepreneurs and supporters of market transformation towards more efficient energy systems. On a longer perspective, the project will contribute to realise an energy transition driven from the local level with concerted planning and implementation of energy projects, as well as to achieve a coherent transformation of the energy system capitalising on synergies and economies of scale.

Funding scheme:

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020