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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Correlate analytics for business exploitation and exploration.

Awarded: NOK 49,999

The FS will achieve the following objectives: Technical: 1) A detailed technical work plan including the identification of all the necessary actions and programming needed. Of particular importance will be the ID and trust module and a standard interface to support AI supported exploiting. 2) To prepare a detailed technical risk assessment accompanied by risk mitigation and contingency plan. Commercial: 1) To conduct a broad comprehensive market study to identify and choose the most relevant partner model that will define our initial commercial strategy 2) Assess the best communication strategy to build momentum 3) Arrange strategic partnerships with technology partners and system integrators, business partners and organisational consultants who specialise in organisation, culture, and partner models and 4) Confirm our Freedom to operate (FTO) analysis and define our future IPR strategy.. Financial: 1) Conduct a full cost-benefit and risk assessment analysis including a total investment required to launch CAIS to the public marketplace 2) Define a roadmap to secure financial resources matching our company cost-structure 3) Confirm our consistency from our 5-year financial projections (revenues and cash-flow) quantifying profitability, payback period, and the return of investment (ROI) of the CAIS project. The completion of a successful project will have very high economic viability for our own as well as our customer's efficiency, sustainability, and growth in the digital marketplace.

Funding scheme:

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020