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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Automation in pre-vulcanization of tyres and assembly line automation

Alternative title: Utvikling i produksjonsverktøy og -prosesser for modulære dekksystemer

Awarded: NOK 3.8 mill.

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2019 - 2021

Funding received from:



Partner countries:

By use of a patented zipper-system, reTyre is the first to develop a viable and scalable modular tyre system. This meaning the tyre-surface tread (the part of the tyre that hits the ground) is separated from the rest of the tyre, and can thus be changed, for example during the winter. This project focuses mainly on developing and further developing production tools and processes, including adjusting the product and components to the new processes, for the purpose of higher quality, increased efficiency and scale the technology for new tyre-sizes and other types of vehicles. The project also fathoms feasibility-studies on juvenile production-processes and materials that can be utilized in modular tyre-systems, such as automated rubber-manufacturing and recyclable and environmental-friendly tyres-surfaces. With this patented technology, reTyre can operate in a huge international bike-market. The technology can be adapted to other markets, like E-scooters, wheelchairs etc. The project is a cooperation between Retyre AS, SINTEF and Romanian company ICPE. The project started in Q1 2019 and ended in Q4 2021 and has contributed to: (1) In-house developed tools for QC of components on the way into production, (2) Improved tools for assisted assembly with results in production quality and efficiency, (3) patented production method for production of tires and tire surfaces with significant capacity advantage compared to conventional methods, (4) Insight into automation solutions, (5) Verification of new materials use in tire surface production and (6) Development of tools needed to meet demand for new sizes.

The project has helped Retyre getting a more stable production output and products & components that overall performs better, through innovations in pre-vulcanising techniques, automated QC methods and more automated assembly methods. The modular tyre system has had a better uptake in the market during this time and we have gotten several positive media coverages. An uptake of the modular tyre system use in the marked is thought to severly reduce the barrier for using E-bikes in the winter time as the primary source of commuting. The project has mainly resultet in breakthrough innovations in the tyre industry that Retyre & partners will continue to develop and in time show to the world.

reTyre is a modular tyre system consisting of a detachable tread surface and a base tyre. The system allows for change of the tread pattern and surface materials without removing or changing the tyre itself. The method and technology is patented, and reTyre is the first to achieve a fully viable and scalable modular tyre system. The technology is highly adaptable and suitable for for scooters, motorcycles, strollers, wheelchairs and the likes. The modular tyre system provides functional and environmental benefits, as well as significant industrial benefits. Due to the material composition of standard tyres every tyre is made manually, thus resulting in little scale benefits. Modular tyres separate the production of tread from the base tyre, potentially allowing for full automation of the tread manufacturing process. Through collaborated European R&D efforts, the ultimate goal of the project is to achieve automated tyre manufacturing. The project consortium focus on automation initiatives and scalable solutions for modular tyre manufacturing, aiming to achieve stable mass production quality and reducing waste and production cost.

Funding scheme:

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena