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Produksjon av attraktive lineagn.

Alternative title: Production of attractive bait for longliners

Awarded: NOK 1.9 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2018 - 2021

Funding received from:



PhD angående fysiske egenskaper ved ekstruderte agn til fisking med line og teine Dejan Knezevic, Ecobait AS og NMBU Fakultetet for Biovitenskap (BIOVIT) Ole Petter Humborstad, Ecobait AS og Trond Storebakken NMBU BIOVIT Ecobait AS Develops extruded baits for efficient and sustainable catching of gadiformes fish, crabs, and Norway lobster. The quality of extruded baits can be divided into two main categories, physical quality of the bait, and attractants. MSc Dejan Knezevic is employed by Ecobait, and does research on physical quality in close collaboration with the CEO of the company, O.P. Humborstad. Mr Knezevic is industry-PhD scholar at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), with Prof. T. Storebakken as main supervisor. The plan is to complete the PhD in 2020. Obligatory credits and reporting to NMBU have been in accordance with the approved plans. The owners of Ecobait AS (11 shipping companies in auto liners) have been continuously updated. The research of Mr Knezevic has focused on development and implementation of methods for assessment of physical quality of commercial extruded marine baits. Some of the most important responses that have been assessed initially are: ? Measurements of rate of leaking of water-soluble attractants, by spectrophotometric assessment of free amino groups. ? Observation of fishes? responses of the responses of the fish to water soluble attractants in a «meso cosmos». ? Ecobait has developed an «Attractometer», where the fish is protected from stress, behaviour is filmed, and hurdles can be installed so that the efforts to swim to get to the bait can be quantified. When these tests give a positive result, or is prioritized for other reasons, the baits are tested by fishing. Ecobait is situated in Måløy, and rent a small fishing vessel with crew to find obtain preliminary information on the fishing success to novel extruded baits on short lines or lobster traps. The most resource demanding, but also most representative testing is conducted by Ecobait?s owners in the commercial autoline vessels. The methods used in this testing are identical to the conditions used in the commercial fisheries. The research baits used in the project are produced by extrusion at NMBU Centre of Feed Technology, Fôrtek. The Centre has a twin-screw extruder, and highly experienced operators. Knezevic collaborates closely with these in connection with bait processing, and Fôrtek goes through frequent post extrusion modification and upgrading in connection with the Ecobait project. Many of these new ideas are tested by converting an idea to a functional 3-D printed prototype. If this proves successful, further development is done in collaboration with a collaborating engineering company. This development is important for Ecobait?s ambitions to use the results from the project to establish a factory for extruded bait in Måløy. The Bord of Directors of Ecobait have decided that different attractants, other components of the bait, and specific conditions in the extrusion process, among these techniques to regulate the hardness of the bait, shall be kept secret. Thus, the PhD research of Mr Knezevic focuses on physical qualities of extruded feeds for marine feeds and crustaceans. The target is that at least 3 important experiments from the research of Mr Knezevic are completed before the PhD is submitted for evaluation. The following three topics have priority for publishing: ? Optimal hardness on extruded line baits for gadiformes. If the bait is too solid, leakage of attractants to may be too low for the bait attracting efficiently. When baiting an autoline, the bait is hooked to the bait by a machine. Too hard bait may lead to the bait not penetrating the bait properly. If the bait is too soft the bait may quickly loosen from the hook, and only fish over a short period of time. ? Effects of dye size of the extruder on size, shape and other physical qualities of baits for cod and haddock. The baits will be formulated to meet the demands of the fish for attraction and stimuli and will be tested to find out which physical qualities, in addition to size, are influenced by dye size. Analyses will be made to test if the two species have different demands for the size of the bait. One hypothesis to be tested, is that dye size not only affects size, but also texture and strength. A preliminary test with long line indicates that extruded baits can fish as well as natural baits and that large baits generally fish more efficiently than smaller ones. ? Extruded baits for catching Norway lobster. New results from Ecobait indicate that extruded trap baits catch 2-3 times more Norway lobster than what is commonly seen when using herring and squid as bait. The extruded baits fish more efficiently than conventional trap baits, both over short and long time. A hypothesis is that the improved catch is due to the extruded baits releasing attractant over an extended period.


Det har gjennom flere tiår vært utført FoU-arbeid både nasjonalt og internasjonalt for å utvikle et kunstig eller alternativt lineagn. En utførlig oversikt over dette arbeidet er gitt i Løkkeborg et al. (2014) der det konkluderes med at det ikke eksisterer et fabrikert lineagn som kan erstatte dagens tradisjonelle agntyper. Innovasjonen representerer således et nytt produkt som det i lang tid har vært etterspørsel etter i lineflåten både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Ulike fiskearter har ulike smakspreferanser og et agn kan gjøres artsspesifikt ved å tilsette spesifikke smaksstoffer. Frigivelsen av smaksstoffene (lekkasjeraten) kan manipuleres i et fabrikert agn, og effektiviteten til agnet kan økes ved å forlenge den tiden disse stoffene frigis. Det ligger også et stort potensial i å manipulere de visuelle og sensoriske egenskapene til agnet. Prosjektet skal frembringe ny produsjonsteknologi som gir agnet alle disse egenskapene, og utvikle artsselektivt agn basert på smaksstoffer fremstilt av overskuddsråstoff fra fiske-/matindustrien, eller syntetisk fremstilte attraktanter. Innovasjonen representerer en nyvinning og dreier seg både om et nytt produkt og en ny produksjonsteknologi. Et vellykket prosjekt vil endre forretningsmodellene i næringen, fra å være en ren handelsvare baser på importert råstoff, til en nasjonal produksjon og salg av et forskningsbasert agnprodukt med nasjonalt og internasjonalt marked. Målet med forskningen er å utvikle artsspesifikke , kunstige agn for fisk. Ecobait har allerede kommet langt i arbeidet med å utvikle slikt agn til bruk på autoline og line. Agnet blir produsert ved hjelp av ekstruderteknologi for å få riktige fysiske egenskaper, kombinert med målrettet bruk av attraktanter. Forskningen vil fokusere på bruk av attraktanter og prosessteknologi for å sikre at agnene holder godt på kroken og gir riktig munnfølelse.

Funding scheme:
