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E!12881 Efficient electronic navigation at sea

Alternative title: Effektiv elektronisk navigasjon til sjøs.

Awarded: NOK 93,969

Project Number:


Project Period:

2019 - 2022

Funding received from:


Partner countries:

No updates to popular sciences presentation available as of dec 2019. The original text is still valid. (No new developments to update since last report.)

The Covid-19 pandemic continued to present challenges in relation to testing configuration and validation of the system. During this period, we initiated testing and validation of the E-Nav system, while engaging in more frequent communication with our consortium partners which included planning and preparation of the relevant vessels for training and testing as well as sharing of data in relation to configuration and validation of the system. As pandemic restrictions have began lifting, we were able to meet the project objectives with testing and demonstration. Is now implemented on Color Fantasy and Color Magic.

The project will build and demonstrate a sail plan service platform to optimize ship navigation at sea. E-NAV is a radical new evolution of our existing EU-funded sail planning platform and major improvement on current operations. It is the first system to fully leverage the latest wealth of satellite Earth Observation (EO) data coming from the European Copernicus and related programmes. Real-time satellite, terrestrial, aircraft and maritime data feeds supply E-NAV with weather conditions and sea states 24/7. It seamlessly integrates this remote data with local information on vessel speed, roll, yaw, pitch, hull stress, energy use, local currents, waves and winds. It leverages historical patterns from archived Copernicus data and uses machine learning to progressively improve the modelling framework. Data is collected and processed at a dedicated onshore repository centre (ORC) to maximize computational capacity and link directly to off-shore fleet managers, public authorities and others. The gap between predictions and real outcomes will gradually be reduced as E-NAV builds on crowd-sourced user data, self-improves and learns. E-NAV includes a training module with simulators and online gamification tools to teach navigators on the best-use of EO data for navigation. We improve the system by introducing newly available Copernicus data to the predictive process and develop training simulators for end users. E-NAV will massively increase the quality and accuracy of sail forecasts on a global scale. A key project objective is to validate and demonstrate E-NAV on an internal test vessel and LAM and COL ships. We will thereby verify and extend our findings so far that E-NAV allows more efficient maritime journeys, already allowing 7% less fuel consumption, 90% accurate ETAs, 20% lower maintenance costs, and 15% longer ship service life. Today, only E-NAV provides sail plan optimization on coastal and short sea routes, representing over 60% of the world trade.

Funding scheme: