This project will ensure a stronger involvement of Norwegian actors in the European CCS arena. The key Norwegian stakeholders will be engaged by the consortium in order to collect the Norwegian interests and priorities to be advanced in relevant European fora.
The Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS), including key industry and research actors, has been identified as strategically important. As such its involvement was one of the priorities of the project. A communication channel was opened between the project, NCCS and European working groups, in particular the CCUS Implementation Working Group (IWG9). A constant coordination between those networks was established through coordination meetings and participation in common events. The project targeted also several other Norwegian stakeholders, engaging them by means of bilateral meetings, by ensuring the presence of the project in relevant events and fora, and by organizing events in collaboration with European key working groups.
The project activities contributed to increase the understanding of Norwegian stakeholders of European work processes and funding opportunities, hence creating a framework for a better collaboration and coordination among Norwegian and European actors. The outcomes of the project support the development of a shared Norwegian strategy to promote common priorities and advance common interests in Europe.
- Increased understanding for Norwegian actors on how to engage themselves more strongly in Europe.
- Increased understanding for Norwegian actors on the European funding mechanisms that are available to support CCS research actions.
- Strengthened connection of Norway to European groups, such as the CCUS Implementation Working Group (IWG9), allowing for improved coordination between Norwegian and European measures related to CCS.
- Comprehensive collection of needs and R&I priorities from Norwegian stakeholders to advance CCS deployment. This will allow to develop a common Norwegian strategy, which will be (and had already been) conveyed to European policy makers and used to promote Norwegian interests and priorities.
This Project will contribute to ensuring a robust Connection between Norwegian actors to the implementation of the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan Action 9 on CCUS for Europe. An Implementation Working Group for delivery of SET-Plan action 9 (IWG9) has been established which is made up of representatives from at least 11 countries that have signed up to action 9 on CCS and CCU, together with stakeholders from industry and the research community with an active interest in delivering the 8 R&I activities.
This Project will build on existing structures and important Projects like: EERA JP CCS, ETIP ZEP, FME NCCS, ERIC ECCSEL, H2020 Project IMPACTS9 and the newly establised DG ENER CCUS Knowledge sharing Project. For Norway the Full scale Project will get special attention - as an integral part of this MVO Project. In addition - a separate Focus will be put on Nordic Collaboration, as there have been a recent Development in a strengthened Focus on CCUS - both in Sweden and Denmark, especially.
The activities in the Project will Focus around 3 main activities:
1. Meetings With FME NCCS (in relation to already exising Meeting places) - to engage the NCCS partnership
2. Meeting With other key stakeholders, focusing on geting the attention from 'others'
Communication will be an integral part of meetings and the project partners’ work. This means that some meetings will be suited to get press attention, while for others the communication will be carried out by tweets, blogposts etc.
Funding scheme:
CLIMIT-Forskning, utvikling og demo av CO2-håndtering