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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Smart Connectivity: Achieving International mobilisation of SMEs & Clusters through AI based B2B Matchmaking platform

Awarded: NOK 49,999

A report published by the EU Startup Monitor mentioned that 88.1% of European “startups are constantly expanding and are looking to (further) internationalise”. However, the process of internationalisation is very cost intensive and risky. This project will make the partner finding process easy, fast, cost-efficient, and trustworthy to promote more internationalisation and globalization. The solution implements an AI matchmaking algorithm that takes into account the particular requirement for an international partner, and then calculates the matchmaking score using the Bayesian Personalized Ranking algorithm to search and rank the profiles. The platform implements semantic web technology to accurately and precisely parse through the data of registered partners, and generate inferencing knowledge. This inferencing knowledge is used as a data channel for the BPR algorithm in calculating the matchmaking score. The result is a top matched user profile who is the right partner for further business expansion, internationalisation and a good partner in international market entry. Hence, the solution makes partner finding process extremely fast, and easy through a single click. Furthermore, the pricing of the solution makes it 99% cheaper than what SMEs spend annually. The platform also enables the users to communicate, and exchange files, as well as provide information about their previous experience, connections to industry networks etc. In addition, the platform also enables users to rank certain profiles based on their work experience with the partners. This allows partner seeking SMEs to judge the reliability of the matchmaked profile, and puts a trust score on it. Apart from that, the platform also implements a marketplace which allows the business consulting firms to propose relevant international partners to partner seeking SMEs in return for a ground-breaking price concept, called Matchmaking Incentive.

Funding scheme:

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020