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PES søknad fra UiB om rammebevilgning for år 2021 og 2022.

Alternative title: PES application from UiB for the years 2021 and 2022.

Awarded: NOK 7.9 mill.

UiB is a research-intensive, comprehensive international university with ambitions to strengthen its position in the EU via participation in the EU's funding programme, Horizon Europe. Several targeted mobilization actions are initiated in the academic environments to encourage the participation. UiB's career development programs for young, outstanding researchers, Momentum and collaboration with Trond Mohn Foundation contain modules on Horizon Europe. When Covid restrictions loosen, UiB will relaunch training, promotion, and EU networking events at the UiB’s Brussels office. UiB has ambitions to increase the number of successful ERC proposals and stimulates relevant academic environments at all faculties. The university will continue to support young researchers to apply for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. UiB has a broad target towards planned topics and calls of all the six clusters in Pillar II. The university houses leading international environments in marine research, climate, renewable energy, social sciences and humanities, and global health. UiB hosts SDG14, "Life Below Water", and received funding under COFUND for SEAS "Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability". International environments in the social sciences and humanities will work towards integration in the EU through membership in the NOSSH network. The new Alrek Health Cluster unites researchers in global health, psychology and the interdisciplinary Pandemic Center at UiB. The cluster focuses on multidisciplinary research and has a vital innovation component. UiB prepares for the new Pillar III topics, among other things, through the newly opened SFI centres. UiB has recently distributed internal funds to eight early-stage innovation projects and plans courses to increase innovation competence among administrative and scientific staff. Competence transfer from knowledge clusters, business clusters, and the new SFIs is one of the key processes to the mobilization for Pillar III.

PES støtte i år 2021 og 2022 til aktiviteter ved Universitetet i Bergen som er rettet mot Horisont Europa; som søknadsarbeid, for å bygge nettverk og jobbe strategisk mot EU, kortsiktig posisjonering for å bygge nye/komme inn i eksisterende konsortier, og til kurs og kompetanseheving for vitenskapelige ansatte og det administrative støtteapparatet ved UiB.

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