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IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

ECSEL-project TRANSACT, Transform safety-critical cyber-physical systems into distributed solutions for end-users and partners

Alternative title: ECSEL-prosjekt TRANSACT, Transformere sikkerhetskritiske cyber-fysiske systemer til distribuerte løsninger for sluttbrukere og partnere

Awarded: NOK 9.6 mill.

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are all around us and play a crucial role in a variety of key sectors. However, we are not exploiting their full potential just yet. Especially safety-critical and mixed-critical systems are still deployed as standalone systems because it is currently the only way to ensure the system's safety, security, and performance simultaneously. As a result, current CPS are not flexible and very costly; room for human error is still very big and the computing power they have available is limited. A more integrated and connected architecture for such systems via edge and cloud technologies could overcome these limitations. This project aims to develop a universally applicable distributed solution architecture concept and framework (device-edge-cloud), and a transition methodology for the transformation of standalone safety-critical CPS into distributed CPS. The results will be applied to and demonstrated in various Use Cases related to ECSEL-MASP 2020 Key Application Areas. The Norwegian partners will predominantly contribute in the Maritime Use Case. Specifically, NAVTOR AS will extend our existing and basic edge/cloud technologies on vessels to enable continuous development and updates of dynamic end-to-end safety and performance monitoring applications and decision support services in the device-edge-cloud continuum. SIMULA RESEARCH LABORATORY AS will develop novel machine learning methods and tools enabling automation and improvement of daily operations in maritime, such as traffic forecasting and anomaly detection. As a result, NAVTOR AS will be able to add new services enhancing safety and efficiency at sea, such as early warning of possibility for groundings and/or anomalies in assumed fuel consumption. This will mean a breakthrough in reducing groundings and other incidents and reduce emissions to sea and air, i.e., following up the agreed UN/IMO efforts to meet the sustainability targets, reducing fuel cost as well as increasing the competitiveness for European Shipping.


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are all around us. From telecommunications to energy, from transport to healthcare and from robotics to military, CPS play a crucial role in a variety of key sectors and are promised a bright future by almost every economic foresight study. However, we are not exploiting their full potential just yet. Especially safety-critical and mixed-critical systems are still deployed as standalone systems. A more integrated and connected architecture for such systems via edge and cloud technologies could overcome these limitations. To this end TRANSACT targets the following technological innovations: * Extend the existing edge/cloud technologies in order to support safety-critical CPS and enable a continuous deployment of functions over the device-edge-cloud continuum. * Extend model-based and simulation-based design tools to support the correct integration and deployment of safety-critical components along the device-edge-cloud continuum. * Develop dynamic end-to-end safety and performance monitoring systems, load balancing mechanisms and graceful degradation strategies applicable to safety-critical CPS. * Implement end-to-end security and privacy technologies based on both theoretical (by design) and actual (monitoring) scenarios, layered attestation policies and security contracts. *Develop techniques for the virtual design, implementation, certification and early integration of large distributed CPS with different suppliers of distributed solutions. *Integrate AI based services and data analytics services into safety-critical CPS. In the maritime use case, SIMULA will contribute with development of novel AI services and their integration into distributed CPS in the maritime domain. This will enable NAVTOR to add new, distributed solutions enhancing safety and efficiency by early warning of collisions/groundings and anomalies in fuel consumption, reducing emissions to sea and air, at the same time reducing cost for European Shipping.

Funding scheme:

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon