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ILIAD SUPPLEMENTARY – Dissemination and outreach to stakeholders with focus on Norwegian SFI, NCE and their industry partners

Alternative title: ILIAD FORSTERK – Formidling og nettverk med interessenter fra , NCE og deres industri partnere

Awarded: NOK 0.80 mill.

The EU project Iliad aims to develop the technological foundation for so-called 'Digital Twins of the Ocean', i.e., virtual representations of marine areas based on data from observations (satellite data and ocean sensors), modelling (ocean, ecosystem, and climate models), and digital infrastructures (high-performance computers and cloud data storage). These twins differ from well-known digital applications in that they have a close connection between the digital and the real world through frequent synchronisations from the ocean to the application (and possibly vice versa) with data from measurements or updated models. Thus, a twin can monitor the current situation at sea and predict future developments. Therefore, it can also be used to study "what-if" scenarios. A what-if scenario could, for example, be to test various locations for not-yet-existing human activities at sea (What if we place more fish farms here, or what if we remove some of these?), or to test planned changes in operations to find the best solutions, or to prepare for the impacts of extreme weather before it happens (What happens to this regular discharge here if there is a storm or other extreme weather?). Norway is a maritime nation with significant offshore activity on the continental shelf, but also in coastal areas. The development of new ocean industries, such as offshore aquaculture or offshore wind, requires new tools for spatial planning of these activities and their assessment in relation to the environment and each other. A digital twin can contain all the information we need about a marine area with models and information about ocean conditions in near real-time. This will enable activities close to each other to collaborate better in 'their' marine area, share data, and optimise operations. In Norway, we are demonstrating the Iliad developments with digital twins in the Norwegian Sea from the Trondheim Fjord to Ålesund, with twins for the SINTEF/NTNU OceanLab infrastructure in the Trondheim Fjord and applications for water quality monitoring, as well as applications for aquaculture in Central Norway. We reach out and collaborate with the Norwegian Research Centers, e.g. FME NorthWind for Wind Energy and industry stakeholders to showcase opportunities through the use of digital twins for both operational decision-making and environmental monitoring. The EU project Iliad has a consortium with over 50 partners from across Europe, the United Kingdom, Israel, and North Africa; our Norwegian partners include SINTEF Ocean, SINTEF Digital, HUB Ocean, NTNU, and Bente Lilja Bye (BLB).

Iliad SUPPLEMENTARY activities have brought stakeholders together from research, governmental authotrities, and industry to promote and inform about developments and EU activities in the field of Digital Twins of the Ocean for a variety of use cases, including marine spatial planning, operational monitoring and sustainable collaboration within the ocean space. The activities have enabled better integration of Norwegian digital ocean initiatives with the development of the European ILIAD Digital Ocean Twin. SFI, FME and NCEs have been informed about Iliad and the result potential. By actively reaching out to more stakeholders than what was possible within the frame of the EU funding, we were able to promote Norwegian research on the topic of digital twins and data interoperability and have created collaboration opportunities for Norwegian stakeholders both within Iliad and in Horizon Europe more generally through targeted webinars and outreach activities. Societal acceptance of new technologies, and to a large degree how policy makers respond to them, is determined by the general public. Iliad SUPPLEMENTARY has consciously targeted different groups through social media, in meetings, and conferences and informed the general public and policy makers about the potential and benefits of interoperable, data-intensive, and cost-effective Digital Twins of the Ocean.

The Horizon Europe Green Deal project ILIAD will commercialize an interoperable, data-intensive, and cost-effective Digital Twin of the Ocean (DTO), integrating all existing EU Earth Observing, Modelling Digital Infrastructures and Facilities. The ILIAD consortium with 56 partners will combine high-resolution modelling with real-time sensing of ocean parameters, advanced algorithms for forecasting of spatio-temporal events and pattern recognition. The DTO will consist of several real-time to near-real-time digital replicas of the ocean. ILIAD will assemble a broad and diverse user community of existing and new users, who will use the project's innovative technological solutions to address their challenges. Furthermore, ILIAD will create a marketplace to distribute apps, plug-ins, interfaces, raw data, citizen science data, synthesized information and value-adding services in combination with the ILIAD DTO. The 5 Norwegian partners in the consortium have strong roles and contributions in the funded project. However, due to the quality and complexity of the consortium and the project itself, Norwegian research and industry will benefit from an extension for additional, independent, and targeted dissemination. ILIAD SUPPLEMENTARY is intended to increase the societal impact of the partners’ participation in the Horizon Europe Green Deal project to implement the Digital Twin of the Ocean by organizing outreach and engaging information events also for Norwegian municipalities and other public bodies, businesses, special interest organizations and researchers across Norway, including research areas (Bergen and Tromsø) or research infrastructure (LoVe) not represented in the project

Funding scheme:


Funding Sources

Thematic Areas and Topics

InternasjonaliseringInternasjonalt prosjektsamarbeidAnvendt forskningMarinPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderSamferdsel og kommunikasjonBransjer og næringerMarinMarint naturmangfold, økosystemer og økosystemtjenesterBransjer og næringerMaritim - NæringsområdeLTP3 Et kunnskapsintensivt næringsliv i hele landetDigitalisering og bruk av IKTPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderDigitaliseringDigitalisering og bruk av IKTOffentlig sektorLTP3 Hav og kystFNs BærekraftsmålPortefølje InnovasjonDigitalisering og bruk av IKTPrivat sektorLTP3 Havteknologi og maritim innovasjonForurensningPortefølje Klima og miljøFNs BærekraftsmålMål 14 Liv under vannLTP3 Uttesting og kommersialisering av FoUInternasjonaliseringLTP3 IKT og digital transformasjonMarinMarin forurensning inkl. miljøgifterKlimarelevant forskningLTP3 Marine bioressurser og havforvaltningNaturmangfold og miljøMarinMarint arealbruk og arealendringLTP3 Muliggjørende og industrielle teknologierNaturmangfold og miljøMarin forurensning inkl. miljøgifterMaritimLTP3 Styrket konkurransekraft og innovasjonsevnePolitikk- og forvaltningsområderMaritimMaritime muligheter i havnæringeneNaturmangfoldPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderFiskeri og kystNaturmangfold og miljøGlobale miljøutfordringerNaturmangfold og miljøMarint arealbruk og arealendringPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderForskningNaturmangfold og miljøMarint naturmangfold, økosystemer og økosystemtjenesterPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderOffentlig administrasjon og forvaltningPortefølje ForskningssystemetPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderMiljø, klima og naturforvaltningPortefølje Energi og transportVerifisering, pilotering, demonstrasjon (ny fra 2014)Portefølje Muliggjørende teknologier