The COVID-19 crisis has brought into sharper focus the fragility of our lives and ways of living, but has also prompted solidarity approaches to support vulnerable groups, while highlighting the importance of pre-existing civic practices for social resilience and individual recovery. Against this backdrop, CoNECT will catalyze existing networks for collective action in six EU countries, aiming to boost community organizing capacity by recognizing, mapping, connecting, and strengthening everyday practices of community resilience toward ecological transition. The project will foster collaboration between citizens, thinkers, doers, planners from the partner countries, who will co-design and conduct parallel synergistic Labs implementing joint tools and methodologies. An important part of the research project is to identify the digital data that can support all the above processes and decisions.
The COVID-19 crisis has brought into sharper focus the fragility of our lives and ways of living, but has also prompted solidarity
approaches to support vulnerable groups, while highlighting the importance of pre-existing civic practices for social resilience and
individual recovery. Against this backdrop, CoNECT will catalyze existing networks for collective action in six EU countries, aiming to
boost community organizing capacity by recognizing, mapping, connecting, and strengthening everyday practices of community
resilience toward ecological transition. The project will foster collaboration between citizens, thinkers, doers, planners from the
partner countries, who will co-design and conduct parallel synergistic Labs implementing joint tools and methodologies with the
following goals: 1) map existing spaces and practices of community resilience across different EU contexts; 2) analyze
comparatively and conduct transnational co-produced research on resources, partnership models, and stakeholder networks; 3)
co-create experimental frameworks for setting up or enhancing places and initiatives of social resilience through collaborations
between professionals, researchers and community; 4) set up a digital platform to connect local networks and enhance
transformational agency of civic resilience through knowledge sharing; 5) establish indicators, and a monitoring and evaluation
framework for community resilience, scalable beyond the participating countries.