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GRØNNPLATTFORM-Grønn plattform

Havbunnsmineraler - Akselererer energiomstillingen

Alternative title: Energy MINErals for the Netzero Transition

Awarded: NOK 60.0 mill.

Project Number:


Application Type:

Project Period:

2023 - 2025

Funding received from:


Project EMINENT (Energy MINErals for the Netzero Transition) will establish the basis for an integrated value chain for deep sea minerals. The goal is an 80 percent reduction in the environmental footprint compared to current land-based mining. The climate goals in the Paris Agreement dictate an enormous energy transition. Renewable energy, electrification, and batteries require considerable amounts of minerals – far more minerals than what is required from fossil energy. The higher the climate ambitions, the higher the need for minerals. Recycling is part of this solution, but it will not be near enough to cover the increase in demand. Deep sea minerals have great potential to reduce the environmental and climate footprint significantly. Initial analyses show that deep sea minerals contain 5 to 10 times higher concentrations of critical minerals compared to those we find on land. The project will develop and demonstrate world-leading technology and methodology for environmental and resource mapping and environmentally friendly production and processing. We will develop tools with a full focus on minimizing the environmental impact at all stages. Solutions will be demonstrated in the deep sea and contribute to increased knowledge and expertise on environmental and mineral resources. This is central to establishing responsible management and utilization of deep sea minerals, increasing value creation for the partners involved, and strengthening Norway's position and export opportunities in a large and growing international market. The project has been established by a broad consortium of 15 companies and research environments with complementary and leading expertise along the entire value chain.

Verden står overfor en enorm energiomstilling for å nå de globale klimamålene i Parisavtalen. Fornybar energi, elektrifisering og batterier krever enorme mengder mineraler – langt mer mineraler en hva som kreves av fossil energi. Desto høyere klimaambisjoner, desto høyere mineralbehov. Resirkulering er en god begynnelse, men langt fra tilstrekkelig for å skaffe til veie de store mengder kritiske mineraler nødvendig i energiomstillingen. Vi vet at havbunnsmineraler inneholder 5 til 10 ganger høyere konsentrasjon av kritiske mineraler i forhold til de vi finner på land. Prosjektet vil være sentralt for å utvikle en helhetlig norsk verdikjede for havbunnsmineraler, som har langt mindre miljøfotavtrykk enn dagens landbaserte gruvedrift. Vi vil utvikle og demonstrere verdensledende teknologi og metodikk for miljø- og ressurskartlegging og miljøvennlig produksjon og prosessering. Prosjektet blir utført av norske industribedrifter, forskningsmiljøer og Future Materials Catapult Centre med verdensledende kompetanse knyttet til dyphavsmiljø, geologi, geofysikk, offshore operasjoner og prosessering av mineraler.

Funding scheme:

GRØNNPLATTFORM-Grønn plattform

Funding Sources