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Joint training and Research Network on the DNA Damage Response in Health and Disease

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2022 - 2023


Subject Fields:

The AheaD Joint training and Research Network is focused on providing training for creative, entrepreneurial, innovative and resilient doctoral candidates in research on DNA damage and DNA repair ranges from characterising genes and pathways involved in the maintenance of DNA structure in healthy cells to analysing the physiological, cellular and molecular responses that occur upon DNA damage and molecular analysis of diseases associated with DNA damage. We propose a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to dissect the functional contribution of genome maintenance and the DNA damage response on fundamental biological processes allowing us to i) establish a European research platform of excellence in the field of DNA damage repair, ii) create a Network dedicated to high-quality training of younger fellows and iii) transform our long-term collaborations into a high-impact, intellectual network with durable links to the industry. Each project partner will enrol a young researcher with a focus on applicable aspects of the functional role of DNA damage response and DNA repair mechanisms in development and disease. Each researcher will have an individual sub-project, which will be combined with shorter research trainings in the partner organisations, attendance of networking events and courses.

Funding scheme: