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POS-ERC-Støtte til ERC søkere som oppnår god evaluering

CO-ACTION (Project Development)

Alternative title: CO-ACTION

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

The purpose of this project is to submit a new application to the ERC.

The project will further develop the applicant's prior research on the history of duties and political obligation in preparation for a larger research bid. The project will build upon the earlier ERC project proposal, POSEIDON, and the current RCN-funded (FriPro) project Co-Duties in ways that expand the insights of these projects. The new project is novel in that it will apply the theoretical frame of duties to large scale collective action problems, such as climate mitigation and financing of vaccines. These problems are classically subject to "free rider" and other collective action barriers. By applying novel insights into duties the applicant will develop new ways of overcoming these collective action challenges. In particular, the project will develop new methodological and empirical insights into the role of duties in collective action problems in the supply of global public goods (GPGs). By doing so the intention is to enable a research programme that can improve upon the present limits of international collective action for delivering essential GPGs. GPGs, as international public policy goals, can only be met by cooperation between nation states and other representative actors working together through the international system. But as we see with the recent failure to secure equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines, even when all countries desire the same outcome, the inability of actors to share responsibility for delivering that outcome often prevents progress being made. The capacity of international decision-makers to deliver on global public goods ultimately turns, in other words, on the question of how the duties to deliver those GPGs are allocated and performed. Yet scholarly understanding of the role of duties in collective action problems is weak. The primary research aim of Co-Action is thus to address this gap by analysing and assessing the past, present and (possible) future role of duties in international collective action for Global Public Goods.

Funding scheme:

POS-ERC-Støtte til ERC søkere som oppnår god evaluering

Funding Sources

Thematic Areas and Topics

No thematic area or topic related to the project