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Søknad fra Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo (AHO) om PES Horisont Europa rammebevilgning 2023–2024

Alternative title: AHOPES

Awarded: NOK 0.61 mill.

The AHOPES project is part of The Oslo School of Architecture and Design’s (AHO) strategic research initiatives. The first goal is to develop a comprehensive strategy and action plan for AHO's participation in Horizon Europe. AHO will develop a cohesive strategy for participation and identifying how to leverage opportunities within Horizon Europe to achieve research goals in our disciplines of Architecture, Design and Landscape Architecture. The strategy will be developed with a focus on AHO's expertise in sustainability, social innovation, and user involvement, and will involve identifying relevant themes and clusters for each of AHO's institutes, and across the institutes. AHO will also explore how to engage with Nordic partners to develop joint initiatives and partnerships. AHO aims to position their expertise in the New European Bauhaus initiative, which is a natural fit with their own strategic goals The second goal is to position AHO as a leading institution in Europe for architectural and design led research. AHO has established three research centres and a laboratory that are responsible for much of the school's research activity. AHO will work with the National Contact Points in the Research Council of Norway to identify opportunities for collaborations. AHO will also conduct a thorough analysis of potential partners and host a workshop for research leaders from the Nordic region to discuss New European Bauhaus, strategy, and collaborations. The third goal is to develop grant proposals for the European Research Council (ERC). AHO has not previously applied for ERC grants, despite having excellent research environments. AHO will also investigate the possibility of participating in MSCA Doctoral Networks. The project will include identifying the best approach for AHO to coordinate these types of applications, given limited administrative resources as a specialised university. These goals are aligned with AHO's strategic priorities and existing expertise.

AHO søker PES rammebevilgning for første gang i perioden 2023-2024. Skolen søker om støtte til tre hovedaktiviteter · Utforme strategi og/eller handlingsplan for deltakelse i Horisont Europa · Posisjonering av egen institusjon · Utarbeide prosjektforslag AHO søker midler til strategiutvikling med et mål om at dette kan bidra til at skolen vil kunne oppnå både strategiske mål og målsetninger i skolens strategi og utviklingsavtale gjennom å utnytte seg av de muligheter som ligger i Horisont Europa. Strategien vil være spisset mot initiativet New European Bauhaus og ERC/MSCA. AHO søker midler til posisjonering for å posisjonere sine fagmiljøer mot de institusjonene i Europa vi ser som mest relevante for skolens forskning. AHO søker midler til prosjektutvikling for å utvikle søknader rettet mot utlysninger knyttet til New European Bauhaus, ERC og MSCA.

Funding scheme: